Thursday, April 30, 2009

Save Tammy's - Site Planning

Develop the following documents for the project

1. Scribbles / Concept Sketches (paper)

2. Site Flowchart (paper or electronic)

3. Design Comp (digital image 1024x768)

4. Concept images (min 10)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Save Tammy's Pizza!

HELP! - Tammy's website needs a serious style intervention.

Redesign the main page.

The site should meet the following criteria:

All page formatting elements should be controlled by an external style sheet.

You should use tiled background images to add texture and contrast to the page.

The content of the page should be contained inside a table.

Build the links shown on the site using rollover images.

Apply CSS to format the text, pay attention to the details.

You will need to be able to explain and defend the aesthetic elements of your design (color, texture, layout, etc.)

This assignment will be graded pass / fail. If your work is not evaluated at an acceptable level you will need to redesign and resubmit. This process will repeat until the work is evaluated as passing.

ASK QUESTIONS and ASK FOR FEEDBACK about your design in progress to avoid having to redo work.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Lets prevent the FLU by following these guidelines!

Avoid sharing drinking and eating utensils.

Wash your hands - it really does help keep germs away.

Increase your vitamin C intake'which may boost your immune system'by eating ample amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables. Oranges, tomatoes and broccoli are good choices.

Drink at least eight glasses of water a day. Herbal teas and diluted fruit juices are good options for increasing your water intake.

Get enough sleep. Most people need at least 7 to 8 hours a night for optimal rest.

Manage your stress. Chronic stress can weaken the immune system.

Take a multivitamin every day to make sure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals.

Exercise regularly'it's been shown to reduce the occurrence of colds and flu.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

IMD I 4/23 and 4/24

For the next two days I would like you to develop a simple informational website for a company of your choice, the only requirement is that the company or organization has some sort of product that the offer to the public.. The design of the site should be simple and informational. Use tables to organize the content on the pages. You will need to incorporate the following in your work:

Sample pages can include but are not limited to main, products, faq, contact, reviews, etc.

Feel free to use graphics and text content from flickr and other sources. Ipsum text is acceptable for this project.

1. Minimum of 5 pages (20pts)
2. One page must contain text with anchor tags to navigate within the page. (10pts)
3. Link to the pages on the site and one external link of your choice. (10pts)
4. Use an unordered list in the site (10pts)
5. Create at least 2 tables in the site (10pts)
6. Use header and paragraph tags (10pts)
7. Use at least three different styles (10pts)
8. Use a minimum of 10 images that have been optimized for web in your site. (30pts)

If you “get stuck” and are unable to complete the assignment you will need to write one page reviews (200 word EACH) for “Ultimate Sports Action Tips” and “How Low Can You Go?” articles. Both articles are in the same packet. Please ask the substitute teacher if you need this packet.

IMD II 4-23 and 4-24

Use time in lab to complete the html site based on the style. Use the interactive resume content and structure to format your pages. Remember to use anchor tags and unordered lists for the capstone paper.

This assignemnt will be collected on Monday

Any remaining time should be spent preparing your capstone and interactive reusme work for presentation on the 5th, 6th and 7th. Remember you are responsible for having your work proofed by three reliable sources before you present.

Monday, April 20, 2009

IMD I - Dreaming about DreamWeaver!

DreamWeaver project files are saved in students/public/fitzer/lectures/dreamweaver/lwd-v01

Make sure you are taking good notes on the content!

Friday, April 17, 2009

IMD II - Research

IMD I Website Warmup!

Answer the following questions without using your notes.

1. What is the difference between HTML and XHTML?

2. What is DTD?

3. What organization sets the standards for website development?

4. What is the correct open and closed html tags for paragraph?

5. Make a diagram with three boxes showing the basic structure of a web page. Label the components and what content will be placed in each area.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

IMD II - Happy IRES Evaluation Day!


1. Launch Excel

2. open students/public/fitzer/ireseval.xls

3. save this file to your login with a different name

4. we'll get started when this is complete!

IMD I and II from Mr. D

Juniors & Seniors will both be doing this assignment.

Use this link to find the lesson

Make Sure they Go to ALL the pages: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 Keep File Saved as PSD in their folder. Attached is the file that they should use but they MAY use their own picture if they have one.

The Power of Viral Marketing

Big photos here

I keep a journal of project ideas. One thats been on the list for a few years is to build a raygun (think 1950s science fiction) Over break I had time to build one from old camera and radio parts. I shot it in my studio and posted it to flickr in a few different groups. Over the next two days my photostream was hit over 10,000 times!
It was on the make magazine blog and was the gizmoto image of the day. I also found the image on about a dozen other blogs. Viral marketing is powerful stuff.

IMD I - Welcome Back!

For today:

Portfolio Site Peer Review

Check in

XHTML overview (time permitting)