Thursday, January 28, 2010

IMD I and II

BPA events - If you have something to wrap up, do it quickly, were almost done. 3D and web - fantastic job. I cant wait to see who comes home with hardware (aka awards) :-)

WIWTD - Some are doing well, some have fallen WAY behind. Use the time you have to get some work done. Blog your progress.

IMD I and II. Watch the three videos (02.flv, 03.flv, 04.flv) in the students/fitzer/website folder and take notes on the content. New for some, review for others. A quiz may follow.

Have a great day!

Monday, January 25, 2010

IMD I - Projects and a little HTML

You will have competitive events and WIWTD time today. Make sure you post detailed information to your blog that documents your progress!

You will also need to complete the following into to HTML reading and questions.

Use the listed pages to answer the following questions:

What is HTML and what is it used for?

Give 5 examples of html tags, how are they formated?

Give and example of how tags are opened and closed.

Describe parent and child elements.

BONUS: Using the example on the page try coding a simple page in wordpad.

Question answers should be posted to your blog.


Have a great day - I should be back tomorrow.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

IMD II Semester Exam Day 2 Part 1

3D (2D-3D conversion)

1. Create a pawn

2. Create a new knight from the tutorial, complete as much as possible in the time alotted.

IMD I Semester Exam Day 2 Part 1

3D Modeling

Duplicate the following drawings render your work and post it to your blog.

Use any remaining time to model a table and chairs.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

IMD II Semester Exam Day 1 Part 2

NOTE: Complete Part 1 before starting this section

Project Research (125 points)

Your employer has assigned you to a team that will be working on creating the interior design and marketing materials (website, menu, etc) for a national chain of coffe shops. The client wants a "steampunk" theme.

You have a limited budget for this project so your research will be limited to available resources (internet, library, local community in Grove City / Columbus area)

Outline 5 methods that you would use to research and brainstorm the theme for your client. Make sure to include samples in your responses.

IMD II Semester Exam Day 1 Part 1

After Effects - 10 Second Comp (200 points)

1. Use photoshop to prep the image for video (720x480 - you will need to resize and crop, you do NOT NEED the entire image) Define foreground and background as seperate layers repair background as needed.

2. Import into AE and apply subtle movement of forground (left to right)

3. Apply selective focus technique to the composition. Start with full blur animate to foreground in focus.

You do not need to render the final output you will be graded from screen.

Point Breakdown:

Image seperation/ selection technique 25pts

background repair in PS 25pts

Appropriate resize and crop in PS 25pts

Appropriate resolution and comp setting in AE 25pts

Movement animation 50pts

Selective focus animation 50pts

This test is open note, you may also use the internet. YOU MAY NOT USE OLD PROJECT FILES.

IMD I Semester Exam Day 1 Part 2

Duplicate the following files

public/fitzer/~IMD I Midterm Day 1/nonlin.swf

public/fitzer/~IMD I Midterm Day 1/animation.swf

Animation.swf is 75 frames long and has a stop action at frame 75.

Save your work to your login, save every 5 minutes.

Use any remaining time to work on the chowder tracing.

IMD I Semester Exam Day 1 Part 1

Illustration in Flash

You will have 45 minutes to complete as much of this illustration as possible.
Use the pen tool to create SMOOTH lines!

1. Create a new document

2. Place the chowder image on stage and reduce it's opacity below 50%.

3. Lock the image layer

3. Trace the image in the following order.

A. Chowder and vegy bag (include fill colors and fill detail)
B. Blue dude (include fill color)
C. Odd green lady (include fill color)