Monday, September 26, 2011

IMD I - Movie Trailer Planning and Rendering

1. Make sure you've turned in you SRC project to students/public/fitzer/~~srcrender.  Look at Fridays blog post for details.

2. We will be watching a movie short and talking about rendering cameras for your trailer.\

Want a copy of MAX at home? Look here

Friday, September 23, 2011


CHESS: The Movie

We're getting ready to segue from  computer animation to composting in after effects. You will creating a 30 second to 1 minute animated TITLE SEQUENCE for a movie called chess. 

Use the list in descending order, with your name as director.  You may choose names of friends or family in the other roles.  You will need

1 Director
2 Writer's ( both screenplay and story )
3 Produced By:
4 Original music by:
5 Cinematography
6 Editor
7 Casting
8 Production designer

You will need to storyboard an idea using only the content that you have modeled.

Your title sequence should contain 3 - 8 one camera shots. 

Camera movement should be slow and deliberate.  Stick with simple camera movements for best results.

The concept you storyboard needs to match your final project.

You all of the time available to refine and perfect your project.

Music will be provided

IMD II - Wrapping Up the Chess Set

Please render a 1600x1200 jpeg of you final chess set.  Save a copy to student/public/fitzer/~~ chess comp here

please save your work as last_first_chesscomp.jpg

I'm lookling forward to seeing your final projects!

IMD I - Wrapping up the week.

We're going to be rendering SRC today and wrapping up any loose ends from the last week.  The substitute said that both Junior labs did at great job.  Thanks for staying focused!

What you need to turn in 3-5 camera views rendered @ 1024x768.

Name your files using this format    last_first_1.jpg  

Submit them to the students/public/fitzer/srcrender   folder

REMINDER:  The scripting assignment here: is due on MONDAY!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

IMD II - Chess Set Final and GDP chapter 1

This is your last lab before we wrap up the chess project.  We will start rendering high res images in class tomorrow.

Reminder: The chapter 1 short answer questions are due before class starts tomorrow.  Make sure to include your full name at the bottom of the form before you send them.

Please read this post thoroughly before starting to work.  YOU NEED TO COMPLETE ONE OF THE TUTORIALS DURING CLASS TODAY.  You will find them in the help / tutorials menu in max:

Make sure you save your work every five minutes - TO YOUR LOGIN FOLDER!  Advanced students can easily complete a couple of these tutorials during a long lab.  We don’t have much time left with 3DS MAX, make the best of the time you have!

The resource files are saved in students/public/fitzer/max 2012 tutorials folder

Here are your options:

Option 1:  3DS MAX: Adding Sound Effects to Animation (basic level)

Option 2: 3DS MAX: Animating with Autokey: Bouncing Balls (basic level)

Option 3: 3DS MAX: Modeling a Helmet Using the Ribbon (basic - intermediate level)

IF YOU GET STUCK:  Ask your neighbor for help, sometimes another set of eyes can really help.  If you can't solve the problem you may complete the drawspace hatching tutorial located here

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

IMD II - Wrapping Up Chess Set

Your last chess set image is due at the end of the week.  Use lab to start making your last additions and modifications.  Modeling should be completed tomorrow so that we can save time in class on friday to render.

Reminder: The GDS short answer questions are due Friday, make sure you complete them and submit to me at

IMD I - SRC and Scripting.

I'm not going to be in today, but there are plenty of things to keep you busy.

1. Use lab time to finalize any work for your SRC project.  I know there are a lot of students who are looking for extra time for this project.

2. If your SRC is complete you may work on a homework assignment that I will be assigning on Friday.

Visit the site and answer the following questions:

1. What is a slugline?

2. HOW are they formatted?

3. What 3 elements are required for a slugline?

4. Write a sample slugline for a daytime exterior shot in the balcony at SWCA.

5. When should a new scene occur?

6. Where does an action go?

7. How do you format a character name?

8. Do you need quotes around character dialog?

9. How is CUT TO: used?

10. Is it ok to write sentence fragments in action scenes?

Read a couple pages of the sample script here to get an idea of how the concepts are applied.

11.  Write a 1-2 page screenplay about a crazy lunch in the SWCA cafeteria.

Write at least 4 sluglines  (hallway, cafeteria line, food counter, lunch table..)

Include dialog between 2 characters

have some sort of short action sequence (nothing more violent that the throwing of a tater tot please....)

Have a great day!

Monday, September 19, 2011

IMD II 3rd Hr

1. Submit DOF sample to students/public/fitzer/dof . last_first_dof.jpg (25 points) . 2. Complete cengage login and record the information to the card and your agenda book. Make sure your name is on the card and turn into me by the end of the hour. . 3. Compete the short answer question on the website and submit to me at .

Friday, September 16, 2011


Save to students/public/fitzer/chessfin1 last_first1.jpg - flat descriptive view of the set, like the viewport background. last_first2.jpg - pawns eye view with texture, dog optional. Do not put your work in a sub folder! DO NOT USE nicknames or other name...... 10% penalty for not following the naming rule above! Thanks!

IMD I - 3rd Hour

Homework Due Monday - Decorate the cover of your composition book to make it your own. MAKE SURE YOUR NAME IS CLEARLY VISIBLE ON THE FRONT COVER. You may print up to 2 color pages in lab. You can also decorate your composition book with pages from magazines or photos. This project is due monday.
For 3rd Hour:
Work on SRC or other lab project. You can also work on the composition book homework if you are comfortable with the Tuesday SRC deadline.

IMD I - SRC and a a few texture tips

Work on your SRC, this project will be due on Tuesday!

I'll be demonstrating a few slate editor techniques that will help texturing at the end of the hour.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

IMD I - Long lab for SRC

Good Morning!

I have an appointment this morning and I won't be in until about 9:30.

You will have a long lab to work on your SRC project. Use your time wisely, we will be wrapping up this project on Tuesday.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Good planning = good project

3rd Hour:

You will need a a Google account to use Blogger and access docs online. Use this hour to create a GMAIL account if you do not already have one.

1. Sign up for a gmail account, MAKE SURE YOU WRITE DOWN YOUR LOGIN INFO. We will be using this in class tomorrow!

2. I commented that most people need to work on their sketches. If you did not compete the sketch work on it this hour and turn it in to me for 75% credit. Tomorrow it will be for 50%.

3. Make sure you have rendered your battlefield tutorial so it can be checked off tomorrow.

4. Once all of these activities are completed you may work on SRC or another lab project.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

IMD I - SRC Startup and a Google Account

Short rotations today.

1. Complete the Ball Ramp Bucket Animation as a warmup. SAVE THIS FILE TO YOUR LOGIN WHEN YOU HAVE COMPLETED IT!

I will be grading the SRC images and sketches during the warmup so get them ready.

2. After your sketch has been approved you can start modeling your SRC.

3rd Hour:

You will need a a Google account to use Blogger and access docs online. Use this hour to create a GMAIL account if you do not already have one. Check this post again 3rd hour for updated info!

Friday, September 9, 2011

IMD II 3rd Hour

Read Chapter 1 in GDS and define the following terms according to the text:

Graphic Design



Identity Design

Information Design


Corporate Communication

Environmental Design

Experience Design

Motion Graphics

Package Design

Promotional Design

Mass Media

Publication Design

Typographic Design

Type your work, print and submit before the end of the day.

IMD II - Chess Set Checkpoint

IMD II - Chess Set Checkpoint

Turn in 3 rendered view of your completed chess set. Make sure you turn in what you have completed by the end of the day.

I will allow students who have submitted the work incomplete to turn it in late next week without a grade deduction.

Late work will be counted %25 off.

Turn in 3 rendered jpeg images to the students/public/fitzer/~~turn in chess set here folder


Rendered views should be simple and show the detail of the chess set.


SRC Project

Ok, now that we’ve learned some of the tools in 3D Studio Max lets put them to work with a creative project.

You’re going to design and model a Robot, Space Ship, or Castle (maybe all three!)

First you’ll need some reference information, images from other artists or from actual life. These images will help you add “real” details to your project. Collect images online (minimum of 20) and copy and paste into powerpoint or photoshop.

With your reference images in hand start sketching, remember you only have access to the simple shapes so build complex shapes from simple ones. You’ll be amazed what you can create with them. Draw you idea a couple of times, remember were working in 3D and you should draw you creations from different angles (top, front, and side are smart choices) When the sketches are completed show them to me, and get started in 3DS.
You’ll have 4-5 hours in lab to complete the assignment.

Happy modeling!


What you need to complete for Monday:

Collect a minimum of 20 reference images. Save them to a folder on you jump drive

Complete a page of sketches (8.5 x 11)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

IMD I - HOW TO get materials in the getting started tutorial

Good Morning!

1. Complete and turn in the simple shapes drawing page.

2. Complete the intro to 3ds max tutorial located here:

Students/public/fitzer/3ds max 2012 tutorials/scenes/startup

Use these steps to access the materials used in the tutorial

Customize menu

Configure User Path

External Files Tab


Student/public/fitzer/3ds max 2012 tutorials/

Check add subpaths

Click Use path

Click Ok

Click Ok