Thursday, October 20, 2011

IMD I - Complete Skyline Drawings

Use lab today to complete the building drawings assigned earlier in the week.  These buildings need to be completed today so we can use them for an animation project next week.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

IMD I and II

The IMD film Festival is tomorrow.  You must have a project turned in by the end of the day today to participate.  Feel free to bring a drink or snack to enjoy during the show.  Popcorn will be provided!

Last minute submissions can be turned into students/public/fitzer/ ~ src trailers   or ~  chess title seq

Files must be a rendered .avi named  last_first.avi

UPDATE:   100% of IMD I had the SRC trailer ready for the film fest!

Monday, October 17, 2011

IMD II - Intro to AE
Getting Started
1.       What types of media can be used in AE(4)?
2.       Can Depth of Field be manipulated in 3D AE?
3.       Define: Rotoscope
4.       Define: Composite
5.       What is Keylight?
6.       What industries use AE?
7.       What is the programming language associated with AE?
8.       Can you control layer blend mode in AE?
Workflow Overview
11. Where is the project panel
22.  Where is the timeline panel 
33. What is a composition
44. Where is the composition panel
55.   What are the 3 big steps?
Panels and Workspace
1 . What will the tilde key do when clicked in a workspace?
2.  How do you undock a panel (pc)?
3. What are drop zones?
4. What is a frame?
5. How do you open a lost panel?
6. How do you save your layout?
7. Will AE remember your workspace?
8. How do you get you standard workspace back?
9. Where is AE help?
On your own:
Complete the activities in gs-4, gs-5, gs-6.
Take notes on the relevant information. 

IMD I 3rd hour

Visit the Columbus Skyline wiki,_Ohio

 Use the reference photos to create 2D FLAT LINE ART VIEWS of the following buildings:

Each sketch should be half page with the paper in landscape orientation, 4 per sheet using both sides.

The right amount of window detail is very important!

1. LeVeque tower (you will definitely need to Google  more reference images to draw this one!)

2. William Green Building

3. Rhodes State Office Tower

4. Huntington Center

5.  Vern Riffe State Office Tower

6. One Nationwide Plaza

7. AEP Building

8. Train Bridge Shown in front of Rhodes State Office Tower.


We will be using them in class tomorrow.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Use lab to finish your we3 storyboard ppt.  If you were absent on tuesday you may select any one of the pages from the comic to storyboard.  I will collect this assignment in lab tomorrow.  Resource files for this assignment are in students/public/fitzer/we3

IMD I - Flash intro and tools

Here’s your assignment.  Copy and paste the questions to a word document.  Follow the links and watch the videos, there is some great content.  Stop and start the videos as necessary to have time to answer the questions as you go.  Use headphones for this activity!  

Before the end of lab print hardcopy of your work and turn in to the substitute teacher or take the green approach and email me your answers to

Watch this video: Flash Introduction video instruction
(click on the video link on the launched page)

Answer these questions:

1. Where is the stage?

2. Where is the timeline?

3. Where is the property inspector?

4. How do you change the color of the stage?

5. What is the grey area around the stage?

6. When would you use the stage?

7. How do you zoom the view?

8. When does the property inspector change?

9.Using the power of the timeline we can look at out stage over ___    ________   _______ .

Watch this video: Tools video instruction part one
(click on the video link on the launched page)

Answer these questions:

10. Where can i find the essentials workspace?

11. Groves group _____   __  _________.

12. The top grove contains the  __________  ___  ___________ tools

13. The second group down contains tools for __________ .

14. The last group contains tool modifiers and the change based on what?

15. If and icon contains a small triangle what does that mean?

16. Holding the shift key while drawing a line will

17. What is required to use TLF text?

18. How is TLF text different from classic text?

19. What happens if you draw a text box in flash

20. Should you use this?

21. What are the three types of text?

22. How are they different?

23. To simply display text on the screen what option should you use?

24. What does the straiten pencil mode do?

25. What does the smooth pencil mode do?

26. What does the ink pencil mode do?

27.  Should you use the object drawing tool  YES or NO

28. Where do you find the spray brush tool?

Watch this video: Tools video instruction part two
(click on the video link on the launched page)

Answer these questions:

29. What is the difference between stroke and fill?

30. How do you create a rectangle with “pinched” (the technical term is convex) corners?

31. How do you draw a square?

32. Where is the oval tool?

33. How do you draw a pacman or a pie slice?

34. How do you make a doughnut?

35.  How is a primitive shape unique?

36. How do you get to a wet paint mode for a primitive shape?

37. How do you exit the drawing object mode (watch closely what he does!)

38.  How do you get options for the polystar tool?

39. What shape do the kids go crazy for?   (lol)

40. Does a shape need to be closed to be filled?  YES or NO

I won’t ask any questions about eye dropper or zoom

41.  List 4 different styles for the Art Deco Tool.  (Very cool even if it is “clipart”)

Stop the video at this point in video tools part  II.  We will talk about editing on another day.

Great work, lots of tough questions.

If you have any time remaining experiment with the information you learned by creating some drawings in flash!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


1. Complete your chess title sequence.  Make sure you refer back to the original assignment here

2. Work on your assigned we3 storyboard.


Get ready for film festival friday, we're going to be watching the src and chess set shorts!

No Lunch of Rock this week :-(

IMD I - Farewell to Max and hello to RIA!

When I'm back we will continue with our we3 comic work, put this on hold today.  The content students have created so far is amazing, I can't wait to see the finished product.

By early next week we will be moving into RIA development.  RIA stands for Rich Internet Applications and we create them using Adobe Flash.

1. Look at how RIA websites can benefit a company.

2. Watch the video to see an example of a RIA developed website

3. Get a preview of the application by completing this step by step tutorial.  - SAVE YOUR WORK!

The tutorial introduces some major concepts.  TAKE YOUR TIME AND READ ALL CONTENT CAREFULLY.  This is critical for success with any tutorial.  If you get stuck ask a friend for help.


Get ready for film festival friday, we're going to be watching the src and chess set shorts!

No Lunch of Rock this week :-(

Monday, October 10, 2011


Lab - Continue working on your chess title sequence.  This project needs to be completed by end of lab tomorrow.

3rd Hour  - Read and complete chapter 3 in GDS. Short answer questions  DUE FRIDAY!

Friday, October 7, 2011

IMD II 3rd Hour

Interactive Resume Brainstorming

Lets start thinking about interactive resume environment, do some research online and collect 20 images that might influence your project.

Compose the 20 images in a Photoshop document, save your work as a jpeg to s/p/f/~    ir planning image.

name the document last_first

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Steve Jobs 1955-2011

I didn’t see it then, but it turned out that getting fired from Apple was the best thing that could have ever happened to me. The heaviness of being successful was replaced by the lightness of being a beginner again, less sure about everything. It freed me to enter one of the most creative periods of my life.          - Steve Job

Monday, October 3, 2011

IMD I - 3rd Hour

We worked with some interesting new tools in lab today.

Use third hour to practice the concepts using the animation from your SRC project.

1 Animate Gaussian blur in and out on your clips.

2. Add two or three titles.

3. Add directional blur on the titles to animate them.

4. Can you figure out how to animate the position of a title on screen.

5. Can you animate changes in opacity for a title.

6. Explore a few different video effects. RANDOMLY ADDING VIDEO EFFECTS CAN CRASH YOUR COMPUTER!  Exercise caution.

7.  Use the entire lab to work on this assignment.  I will take a grade from on screen before the end of lab.