Thursday, January 26, 2012

IMD I and II

Today is the BPA Contest Chapter Deadline! Work must be completed by the end of lab.  We will start the written tests tomorrow.  Have your contest paperwork and project ready to turn in during the first 15 minutes of class tomorrow.  DVD's will be burned first period tomorrow.

Remember to read your contest to make sure you have all of the required paperwork.

Monday, January 23, 2012


Today is an uninterrupted work day so use your time wisely.

Digital Media - I hope taping went well over the weekend, get your video copied to your desktop and start editing.

Website - Have your content ready to slice and link.  Make sure you have proofed the site.

Computer Modeling - Complete your profile and have your materials ready to submit.

Animation Team - Animate !

Thursday, January 12, 2012

IMD II - Capstone Letter

Most people will need to reach out to find someone to help with some component of their capstone project.  Write a block format letter to request help for a component of your project.  Work with another student to proofread your work before turning in your work.

Turn in hardcopy of your letter to me before the end of the hour and post a copy to your blog.

I will be taking a 20 point quiz at the end of the week to make sure each student has a blog they can post to. 

Additional time may be used to work on capstone research only.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Monday, January 9, 2012

IMD II - Semester Exam Part 1

Create a 15-20 second comp for Computer Outlet. 

Recreate the appearance of the advertisement outlined in red. 

Animate the following elements in the following groups:

1. Computer outlet







8. Animate the laptop and LCD monitor

When completed render your work as an .avi or .mpg.  Save the output to your desktop as last_first

Evaluation will be based on the following criteria:

Layout  15%

Technical Animation (movement, rotation, scale)  70%

Rendered Output  15%

IMD I - Semester Exam Section 2

Complete the 3 animations shown in students/public/fitzer/~  midterm/flash animation midterm.swf
Movement in problem 1-3 are based on 15 frame chunks.

Grading Criteria:

Movement 20%
Rotation 20%
Opacity 20%
Pause / Timing  30%
Pace / Speed 10%

 bonus problem  15% extra credit.

Save your work to your folder as last_first.fla.  This section will be collected tomorrow.

IMD I Semester Exam Pt.1

Please read these instructions carefully before starting to work!

Click on the image below and download the large image and import into flash.  Set the image up for tracing and work from left to right.  Treat all lines as a single path, do not worry about line weight (width).  Use a minimum number of verticies.  You do not need to complete the entire drawing, quality is more important that quantity.  

At a minimum complete Fred and Dino (first two characters on the left)  You will have one class period to complete this activity. 

The Drawing will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

10% Import and setup of background.
10% All time used for assignment. On task and quite.
20% Closed fill areas
60% Neat clean lines / use of pen tool.

The second part of your exam will posted at 8:45.  We will rotate at 9:15.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

IMD I - Time to work

Digital Media -  See Mr. Dimasso for a camera and you can get started shooting the building tour.  Make sure you are professional as you work around the building.

Computer Modeling - Continue with you work, make sure that you can identify BPA traits in your model.

Website - Continue working on your community connection project.

Computer Animation - ART, ART, ART, ART!