Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lab 1 Test

Complete the following project, save your work to your login.  I will be grading the files on screen at the end of rotation.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lab 1 Test Review

Here is a sample that is very similar to what you will see on your test tomorrow.  Make sure you can complete this on your own.  The test is open note and you will have 1 period to complete and turn in the project.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Post your Flash Mad Lib

turn in you completed flash file named as Last_First_Madlib.fla to:

students/public/fitzer/madlib1 - imd I
students/public/fitzer/madlib2 - imd II

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Action Script Warmup

Create a variable called nRoom it will contain a Number, make the value 8.
Create a variable called nFloor it will contain a Number make the value 10.
Create a variable called totRoom and calculate the total number of rooms.

Trace the variables to create the following output:

The building has 10 floors with 8 rooms per floor, for a total of 80 rooms.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Answer the following questions about your whack a mole game.

1. What is the back story (the moment before): What happened before the first

moment of gameplay. The back story is the specific event that brought your

character to this moment in time.

2. Who are the characters? How do other characters interrelate with each other,

and your character? Add pictures with the text descriptions if available

3. What is the conflict: what happens to draw the player into the story? Where

is there drama in the story? How is the conflict resolved or left

unresolved? Is the conflict humorous or serious? How is the product or

message presented through the resolution or nonresolution of conflict?

4. What is the characters age? (young, old, middle-age)

5. Does the character speak with an accent or dialect? (if so what would be the country of origin?  ONE OF THE CHARACTERS MUST SPEAK!

6. What sounds will the character make when hit and in a neutral state?

7. Write an introduction that one of your characters will speak to the player before the game starts.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Variables Warmup YAY!

More variables!  You should be getting this at this point!

Write a program that does the following:

Create a variable called sWoot it will contain a number, make the value 7.
Create a variable called aWoot it will contain text make, the value Cats.
Trace the two variables to create the output:

I have 7 Cats.

TODAY for IMD II:  Cougar ID 50 points (25 pts if late tomorrow)
                Actionscript 3 QUIZ  100 points

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Actionscript 3 - Variables and Concatination

Write a simple program that does the following:

Define a variable called aNumber as a Number and assign the value 5

Define a variable called bNumber as a Number and assign the value 3

Define a variable called sumNumber and assign the sum of aNumber and bNumber

Define a variable called subNumber and assign the vaule of aNumber - bNumber

Define a variable called multNumber and assign the value of aNumber multiplied by bNumber

Define a variable called divNumber and assign the value of aNumber divided by bNumber

Create a trace statement concatinating text and variables to output the following with the correct answer.

A + B = 

 A - B = 

A x B =

A / B =

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Actionscript Warmup

Write a simple program that will trace three
variables on the output line

Create a string variable called eSchool and make is contain the data Your Elementary School

Create a string variable called mSchool and make is contain the data Your Middle School

Create a string variable called hSchool and make is contain the data Your High School

Concatenate the above variables in one trace statement to produce a phrase like:

I went to Evening Street Elementary, Worthingway Middle School, and Worthington High School.

Monday, February 13, 2012

IMD I - Whack a Mole Research and Art

I hope we will have time to code a whack a mole type game this year!

For 3rd hour you will need to get started on the art.

You will need to create the following if your going to code a game.

1. Background with 6 holes
2. Mallet object in up and down state
3. Badguy with normal and hit state
Research this hour and develop concept sketches for the above objects.  Modified tracing is acceptable, you characters need to be unique.

Gore level = cartoon violence...

Sorry No Realistic Firearms for this activity.  Rayguns, comical are ok!

Friday, February 10, 2012

BPA Competitive Events Wrap Up

You will need to turn in the following information to complete your BPA competitive events grade:

1 (1) copy of your BPA paperwork, these do not require signatures. Teams may submit one for the group

2. (1) copy of your contest guidelines including rubric(s). Teams may submit one for the group

3. Completed notebook containing the materials you created for your contest. (print and prepare a 3 hole punched packet if you did not create a notebook) Teams may submit one for the group

4. Write a one page summary of your BPA contest experience.  Make sure your adress the following questions:   How did you develop your idea?  Did you use your time effectively.  Describe the presentation experience at contest. One per person

5. Make a copy of all you important documents you made for this contest in IMD/STUDENT DATA/IMD SHARE/~ BPA FIN (We will be burning DVDs from this content early next week). Teams may submit one for the group

6. Completed cover page. Teams may submit one page  for the group

This file is saved in imd/templates/bpa/bpa cover sheet

Thursday, February 2, 2012

BPA Paperwork

BPA Paperwork Requirements

1.Obtain a hard copy of your contest guidelines

2.Highlight the required paperwork for your competition.

3.Prepare 1 copy of all required documents (I will make the appropriate number of copies)

4.Prepare any other hardcopy documents for your contest.

5.Prepare and CD or DVD media and burn the appropriate number of copies.

6.Bring me the highlighted contest guidelines and your paperwork.