Friday, August 31, 2012

IMD I - Last Day for Simple Shapes

Use the rendering notes from yesturday to save jpgs of your simple shapes drawings to:

turn in work to s/p/f/imdi/5_simple_shapes_models


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

IMD I - Wrap Up Simple Shapes

Complete 3DS max navigation handout

Use lab time to wrap up your simple shaped drawings.

We will talk about the rendering process.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

IMD I - Continue With Simple Shapes

Use time in lab to continue with the simple shapes drawings.

We will review the navigation handout and add information about rendering.

turn in work to s/p/f/imdi/5_simple_shapes_models


REMINDER: Thumbnails are due Friday!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

IMD I - Navigaton in 3DS Max

3ds Max handout - navigation

simple shapes assignment

we will be learning:

basic 3d navigation and construction

Create a model using 3-D modeling software L1

Explain the steps for building a 3-D model L1
Define the components of a wireframe model L1

Monday, August 27, 2012

IMD II - 3rd Hour

Use lab time for the following:

Finish your 3ds max work

Company Identity

IMD II - 3DS review 2

Today we will review the following:




basic lights

merging files

Here's the assignment:

1. Merge your max files to combine your dwr furniture.

2. Texture and UVW map appropriate elements of the model.

3. Compose a camera view and render.

4. turn in to s/p/f/imdii/5_render_merge_texture_camera

IMD I - About Me Presentations Continue

About Me Presentation Continue...

 did you know: On eBay, there are an average of $680 worth of transactions each second.  (2011)

Friday, August 24, 2012

IMD II - 3rd Hour

Materials for this assignment is located in s/p/f/imdii/4_sketches are vital

Read the powerpoint and complete the three sketches pages.

This assignment is due Monday.

IMD II - Complete 3DS Review

Review the Thurday blog post and complete the three assginements.  They are due today.

If you've completed your work, I'll be glad to sit down a do a review and critique.

IMD I - 3rd hour

Creative Workshop 1

Create a drawing on a blank 8.5x11 page.  Use pencil or pen for this activity.  Try to fill the page with your work.

Anything goes, with a few rules:

I needs to be a new drawing

Try to fill the entire page

spend at least 1 hour on the drawing.

Having a hard time thinking of a subject? Here are a few ideas:

epic stick figure war
logos for favorite bands
favorite cartoon character

more ideas here

This assignment is due on Monday

IMD I - Wrapping Up About Me

We will be starting presentations at 8:20.

We will be starting the about me presentations today.  As soon as you have your work completed save it to:


name your file last_first_aboutme 

If you've turned in your work and are waiting to start your presentation you can try building these simple shapes in 3DS max using the primitive tools. 

simple shapes 1 

IMPORTANT:  Make sure you are respectful to your classmates during presentations, side conversation and working on your computer are not acceptable!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

IMD II - 3D Review Day 2

Make sure you complete the two models from yesterday:

Complete and submit the following models as time permits.  Detail and proportion are very important  (All 3 can earn an A, 2 for a B, 1 for a C)

Make sure renderings match camera angels shown in the catalog images. 

 Turn in your work to s/p/f/imdii/3_dwrfurn

Save as:

IMD I - Continue with About Me

Good Morning! 


Lab: time for About Me presentation

Discussion: Agenda Book / Note Taking

Demonstration: How to turn in completed files. 

Turn In: 1_savetest


How do I turn in my work?

1. CHECK THE BLOG to make sure you know what you need to turn in!

2. Files are saved students/public/fitzer/IMDI  the next folder is for the specific assignment

3.  ALWAYS save your files with this format:

lastname_firstname_assignment    example:  fitzer_derek_aboutme

If you update your work or need to turn something else in you will need to save the work with a different name, students do not have the ability to delete work in the students folder.  Simply use a number after the assignment name.

example : fitzer_derek_aboutme2

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

IMD II - Welcome Back!

We will be starting the year revisiting 3DS Max and working with some new construction tools.   We will spend the day working on a little review to dust off our max skills.  Its been a while since we've used it.

Start by reviewing a simple shapes drawing.

Complete these and turn in a rendered jpeg of the 4 completed images, save to:


name the file as:  last_first_simple_review.jpg

Once this is completed build a nelson bench:

More photos here

Complete these and turn in a rendered jpeg of the bench, save to:


name the file as: last_first_2_nelsonbench.jpg

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

IMD I - Greetings!

Congratulations on joining IMD. It's going to be an exciting and challenging two years.

You first assignment is to create an "about me" slide show using powerpoint. I'll spend about 5 minutes covering the powerpoint basics and then I'll let you create your presentation.

Here's the criteria for the project:

Create a minimum of 5 slides

Include information about:
Your hobbies and interests
sports or games you like to watch or play
favorite types of music
your family
Your home school
Any make sure to answer the question "Why did you join IMD?"

Tell us about yourself! Feel free to add any school appropriate information you would like to share.

Be creative, If you have time add transition, animation, sound, the sky is the limit.

You will be sharing your presentation with the class.