Thursday, October 30, 2008

10-30 IMD I - We're getting out the sorting hat!

OK, its not the potter-esque hat were all thinking about. But we are going to be looking at a personality assessment tool.

1. Please visit and take the KTS-II (Upper right hand corner) You will need to provide basic info (use an assumed name and email to protect your identity and inbox from spam)

2. After you take the test, record your personality temperament and return to the Keirsey home page and read the overview for your personality temperament?

3. Write a 1/2 page reaction to what you found. Do you agree with the results? Each temperament is further divided into different categories, where do you think you fall?

We will also be reviewing layer masks in flash!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

10-29 IMD II - Hey there its due!

Finish you verse animations - watch the videos from yesterday to learn how to prep your file.

part 1 - organize text and import audio

part 2 - format to turn in

10-29 IMD I - Layer Masks

Sorry I'm out again. But I've left a video of layer masking that I hope everyone can get. Watch the video and then try to duplicate the samples below. Save your work so I can give you credit tommorow.

New flash content! Learn how to layer mask!

After you view the video create these samples:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

IMD II - Flash Music Video Walkthrough and Cheat Codes

level I - doc setup and text animation

Level II - format your mc for combining with the other clips

10-28 IMD II - Flash Video Wrap UP!

Long lab today, no interruptions. Finish your hey d. video, you will have long labity lab today and a short lab tommorow.

Make sure you have the following details ready:

Name your movie clip verse x frames x-xx (ex. verse 1 frames 120-350)

Remove all of the frames except for your verse, making sure you label the start frame and remove the audio layer.

NOTE: There is a modified version of the mp3 (in the folder. This one will work in flash.

10-28 IMD I - Submit Dr. Scott

1. Get white label from the front desk. Write your first and last name Clearly and Legibly on the white label. Place your label in the box by my Desk.

2. Complete and turn in Dr. Scott - look at yesterdays post for details.

3. Dr. Scott complete and you still have time in lab? Work on your illustration due tomorrow in class.

Forgot how to save to drop box? Here's a video review.

Monday, October 27, 2008

10-27 IMD II - Hey Deliaha

Lab - work on you flash video, focus, get it done!

3rd hour - pre production for the sauce video shoot friday.

10-27 IMD I - Scott Talks!

Here's a highly caffeinated demo of Dr. Scott talking

Submitting Dr Scott

Turn in a flash file to


The file should contain the following two movie clips.

1. Completed movie clip of Dr. Scott shaking clipboard and shaking test tube arm (name the clip movearm)

2. Completed movie clip of Dr. Scott talking head “secret formula” (name the clip talk)

Optional Bonus Points for the following:

1. Completed background art

2. Completed Witch Doctor

3. Animated sequence with Dr. Scott and Witch Doctor

3rd hour - Review cartoon homework.

Cartoon Drawing Links

Drawing Fluffy Clouds!


Create sketches of your character for your cartoon strip.

Make sure you illustrate the following concepts:

Front View

Side View

2 mouth states

4 points of rotation

Expression with eyes

How does your character move?

Friday, October 24, 2008

10-24 IMD I - Finishing up Dr. Scott adding a voice

We'll continue building working dr scott models and also add a voice to Dr. Scott!

3rd hour - How about a board game?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dr. Scott!

10-23 IMD II - Flash Music Video Text Animation

HOMEWORK: Develop the storyboard page for for verse or chorus.

This assignment is due tommorow in class. If your storyboard is not ready you will not be able to participate in the activity. Completing this project is dependant on having the art done and ready for class.

10-23 IMD I - Great Scott and Fluffly Clouds!

Great job with animation today! I'm impressed with your skills.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

10-22 IMD II - IRES and audio production

First.. this is just scary.. This photo is from a real bag of broccoli, wait for it.... wait for it....

View the blog here

Do you see it? Little faces everywhere.... Sounds like a graphic designer who's a little bored.

Continue with your ires, make sure you post. Eat your broccoli!


10-22 IMD I - Homework Roundup! YeeeHa!

Howdy partners today we'll need to collect homework. Please turn in the following assignments:

1. TCPIP pop quiz
2. TCPIP questions
3. Wanda Drawing

We'll use the rest of lab to work on Dr. Scott animation.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

10-21 IMD II - IRES and PTI

Post your completed work at the end of rotation!

10-21 IMD I - Putting it all together.

Short lecture today and time to compose your Dr. Scott animation.

Monday, October 20, 2008

10-20 IMD I and II - Outch!

I ran in the Columbus 1/2 marathon on Sunday. The race went very well and I met my goal of completing the race under 2 1/2 hours.

A minor injury is going to keep me home today, but I'll be back tomorrow. You assignments are below, make sure you post today's work to your blog so I can see the progress you made.


Last chance to complete Dr. Scott. Complete the tracing and create symbols for the left arm, body, and right hand. I will be taking the final tracing grade from the work you post today. If you've completed the tracing create a tropical background that we'll use behind Dr. Scott and the Witch Doctor.


Continue with interactive resume. I want to see completed art for the current menu by mid week - it's time to kick it in. I'm expecting to see lots of NEW work on you post today.

3rd Hour IMD I and II

TCP, IP, DNS, Streaming Media. It's all geek speak that we should know. Read the article and watch the video to learn more about these terms and how they work.

Have your answers ready for tommorow - we will have a discussion in class tommorow(and a pop quiz... :-)


and watch the video and read the article to answer the questions below:

What is an octet?

How many unique values can be contained in one octet?

List two restricted IP addresses

What is the loopback address and what is it used for?

What are the 6 classes of IP address and what are they used for?

What does TCP IP stand for?

What does TCP do?

What does IP do?

Why do we break information down into packets?

What makes a valid IP address?

What is DNS?

How big is a packet?

What is the shipping address for a packet called?

What information is included in this address?

How is streaming video unique?

Have a great day!!

att link

Thursday, October 16, 2008

10-16 IMD II - flickr setup and blogger mod

1. Setup a flickr account, make sure to record your user name and password.

2. Create a link list on your blog, add the following headings:

x misc. 1
x misc. 2
x misc. 3
x video 1
x video 2
x audio 1
x audio 2
x web 1
x web 2
x after effects 1
x after effects 2
x 3d 1
x 3d 2
x flash 1
x flash 2
x photoshop 1
x photoshop 2
x creative 1
x creative 2
x creative 3

Link to at least one flickr image to test the posting.

10-16 IMD I - Dr.Scott

Review of animation and troubleshooting techniques in class.

A shockwave game for thrid hour!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

10-15 IMD I - Symbols and Animation in Flash

Let's animate Dr.Scott! Get the questions in notes asap, we have a tough lecture today.

Video Review - Fixing problems in flash

Symbols and Animation Questions
1. What are symbols and how are they used?

2. List two methods to turn lines and shapes into a graphic, moveclip, or button?

3. How is a movieclip symbol different than a graphic symbol?

4. How do you change the pivot point for a symbol?

5. How do you open or close a symbol?

6. How can you tell if you are nested inside a symbol?

7. What properties can you control if an object is selected on the stage?

8. What properties can you control if an object is selected on the timeline?

9. How do you insert a keyframe?

10. How many objects can you have on a layer where you are going to animate?

11. List the steps to create a motion tween animation in flash

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Continue with your interactive resume, make sure to post your progress at the end of your long lab today.

Have a great day!

I'll see everyone tomorrow.


10-14 IMD I - Finish Dr. Scott

Behave yourselves to day I'm expecting to hear that your were hardworking and quiet.

John and Ben that means be very quiet!

Continue with the Dr. Scott illustration. Remember no LUMPS in your lines! I'm going to be very picky about those details. If you finish Dr. Scott work on the witch doctor in the same drawing.

Post your progress on your blog at the end of long lab today.

Have a great day I'll see everyone tomorrow!


Monday, October 13, 2008

10-13 IMD II - Interactive Resume and Creative Workshop

1 lab of interactive resume and 3rd hour creative workshop.

3rd hour - Portfolio Drawing

You will need to create a minimum of three portfolio drawings for your interactive resume and portfolio book. You will need to create one for next week. This assignment is weighted as three creative workshops.

10-13 IMD I - Continue with Dr.Scott!

Continue with your Dr.Scott illustration.

Make sure your blog is in working order and that you have posted you warmup tracing from last week.

Friday, October 10, 2008

10-10 IMD II - IRES

Lab time to continue with your interactive resume.

3rd hour: Binary review and audio production article

Answer the following question from the article:

What range of frequencies are detectable to the human ear?

Define Audio

Audio production involves what four elements of audio?

List 10 careers in audio and list a local company for six of the career fields

List three careers that need to have an understanding of audio production concepts

A person rings a bell and another person hears the sound. Draw a diagram of how this sound is created, transmitted, and received by a human

What is a waveform

Is sound two dimensional or three dimensional?

How do variations in sound pressure correlate to a waveform diagram?

Illustrate the difference between wavelength, amplitude, and frequency.

Diagram in phase, 180deg out of phase, and different wave and how they interact.

Define transducer

Define amplifier

Define signal processor

Diagram the 3 part model as described in the article.

10-10 IMD I - Illustrating in flash

Warmup - trace the simple shapes in simpleshapes2 file in my folder. Screen cap your work and post to your blog!

Short review on the lecture yesturday.

In LAB - after you complete the warmup continue with the Dr. Scott illustration. I'm looking for smooth clean lines!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

10-9 IMD II - IRES Continues

Lab time for Interactive Resume, make sure you post each day!


Yes, another classic - ranked alongside favorites such as angle snap and undo the pen tool is a classic illustration tool.

1. Describe the steps to trace a path with the pen tool.

2. What is a bezier curve?

3. How do you know where to place the control points?

4. When creating curved shapes how many points should you draw?

DUE TODAY (Turn in by my workstation)

Binary to 100

Photographic History Questions


1. Trace the simple shapes after demo

2. Trace Dr. Scott (source files found in students/public/fitzer/imdi/flash)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

IMD I and II - FLC Trip

Here's a link to the pics and videos from our trip.






10-8 IMD I and II - Just for fun!

Sadly no real lab today, but we are going on our first field trip of the 2008-2009 school year!

Here a video from a creative workshop activity earlier this year "Godzilla makes a sandwich" improv - Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

10-7 IMD I - Flash Forward and the Blogosphere!

Part 1

Were still waiting for a little max upgrade so were going to move forward and work with our next application ADOBE FLASH!

Don't wory max fans, we will be continuing with 3D modeling several times through the year!

1. What are the following shortcuts in flash


R (again)


O (again)



2. What is the difference between a primitive rectangle and a rectangle?

3. What is the difference between a primitive oval and an oval?

Part 2

Blogger Account Setup!

Monday, October 6, 2008

10-7 IMD II - Interactive Resume Documentation

Set an account at You will use this blog to show the progress of your interactive resume work. Each day you work on you ires post a quick journal of what you completed and show visual evidence of your work. Your in class grade will be generated from these posts so make sure you spend 5 minutes each day blogging.

Poor Example:

Daily Grade: F

The blog post showed no evidence that anything was actually completed. The post should be specific about what was done and what software tools were used.

Good Example:

Daily Grade: A

The post talks about specific details of what the student did while in lab, and shows an image of what they worked on.

10-6 IMD I - Stickman continued..

Warmup .... count to 100 in binary (on paper!)

Turn in baby drawings..

Continue working on stickman!

We will also be talking about our last 3D project.

3rd hour

History of photography

Photographic History

1. Photography is derived from the Greek words ____________ and ______________

2. What year did photography become a public process?

3. Photography initially combined what two technologies?

4. Modern day photography combines what two technologies? (this question is not found in the reading)

5. What is a camera obscura?

6. What does camera obscura mean?

7. What developments in chemistry provided the foundation for the photographic process?

8. How long did it take to create an image with Niepce and Deguerre system?

9. Why did the exposure take so long?

10. How did photography influence history?

11. Write a very simple history of how the chemical photography process works and how does it combine the idea of the camera obscura and the chemical process.

Friday, October 3, 2008

10-3 IMD I - Animation Continues

Open studet/public/fitzer/imdI/stickman.max

Group and link the character so it can be animated. The overall parent group should be the hip area. After grouping, adjusting pivot points, and linking make 3 copies of stickman and animating the following:

walk in place (5 steps)

run in place

jump up and down in place

You will have one lab to complete this activity.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

10-2 IMD II – Wrapping up the six weeks

I’m missing a lot of work from students and the six weeks is almost over.

Please re-submit the following projects:

Copy and paste to students/dropbox/fitzer/imdII/ae

Ansel Adams Quote Animation - filename: last_first_aaq.avi

After Effects Bumper 1 - filename: last_first_ae1.avi

After Effects Bumper 2 - filename: last_first_ae2.avi

Copy and paste to students/dropbox/fitzer/imdII/ir

Interactive Resume Main Menu Sketch - filename: last_first_ir1.jpg

Interactive Resume Portfolio Sketch - filename: last_first_ir2.jpg

Interactive Resume Resume Sketch - filename: last_first_ir3.jpg

Interactive Resume Summary Sketch - filename: last_first_ir4.jpg

Interactive Resume Narrative Doc - filename: last_first_irn.doc

10-2 IMD I – Animation Practice

re-create the animation samples I’ve posted here:

Note: You don't have to model the next video! It's just a test of a teacher tube feature.

after you’ve finished these animations, start working on animating a few elements in your SRC.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

10/1 IMD I - More Animation

Our lecture on animation and linking continues! Get your notes ready!