Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Very Cool

Check out these retro album covers

12-17 IMD I - Get those notebooks ready!

Your completed notebooks are due tommorow! Make sure you actualy read the criterea and know what you need to turn in. I can't tell you how many students loose alot of points by not actualy reading the assignemnt!

Students with incomplete assignments or failing assignments will be required to make up this work on Friday before they can join our winter break celebration.

You have all of lab today to work on this assignment.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

12-16 IMD I - All about color



Thursday, December 11, 2008

12-11 IMD I - Developing Your Online Portfolio

1. Save you Cloth Botique to dropbox/fitzer/imdI/cloth (remember to copy and paste the file to save correctly - search the blog if you need to watch the video)

2. We also need to finalize your cartoon animation projects. I've created a folder dropbox/fitzer/imdI/cartoon. I'll leave this folder open of one week. You will need to finish your poject within this time period and get it turned in.

Online Portfolio

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

12-10 IMD II - great icons!

Design an Icon set for your ires:

Sketch in Pencil each icon should be 2" - 4" square
Launcher Icon

Audio Play
Audio Stop
Audio FF
Audio REW


Generic Portfolio
Generic Bullet Point

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

12-9 IMD II - Soundarific

I should be back tomorrow, so today is your last chance to work on ires this week. Make sure you have your sounds from yesterday ready to go so i can give you a big A in the grade book for your hard work.

Post to your blog with updates on what you've been working on.

12-9 IMD I - Shape tween

Looks like a most people have finished Cloth Boutique in the blog, nice job!

I'd like you to try a new technique today- SHAPE TWEENING! It's very similar to motion tweening but it morphs shapes from one key frame to the next.

The rules are a little different, but still very similar to a motion tween.

Read the following tutorials and try it on your own. You will need to answer the questions below and create the tweens and post them on your blog to get credit for your work today.

Questions from what you've read:

1. Do you need to convert object to symbols before shape tweening?

2. Can you shape tween multiple objects on the same layer?

3. What color is a correct shape tween?

4. How do you shape tween text?

On your own:

morph a circle to a box

Create a "blooming flower" shape tween

Post the answers to the questions and screen caps of your motion tweening on your blog.

Have extra time? Try the feeling advanced activity below or start creating sketches of your portfolio website that we'll be starting next.

Feeling advanced?

try using a shape tween and motion tween in the same document to create an interesting effect like the pencil in the tutorial below.

Monday, December 8, 2008

12-8 IMD II - AudioScape

Continue to gather audio for your interactive resume. You will need to collect a total of 10 individual clips for you ires. You can collect ambient audio sounds, sfx sounds, and instance sounds (buttons and rollover)

Soundtrack music clips are not part of this grade. Music will be a separate element in the ires.

I will be assigning a grade on the number of individual samples you have collected, each sample will be worth 10% of this grade.

12-8 IMD I - UGGGG

Sorry everyone I'm out today with the flu.

This is a good opportunity to finish up cloth boutique.

Cloth Boutique Checklist

1. Have you labeled all layers and library symbols?

2. Is your time line organized and neat?

3. Have you cleaned up all stray frames and key frames?

4. Is you navigation working?

5. Did you follow the animation guidelines on the content and storyboard page?

6. Did you complete the Mens wear and Womens wear color change samples?

7. Do all of your colors match the specs on the content and storyboard page?

8. Did you use the correct text from the word doc?

Have two classmates verify that you you've correctly completed these items and you'll be on track for an A when I collect this assignment tomorrow.

If you've finished early, you'll have time to work on you cartoon animation.

Post at the end of short rotations today with what you were able to complete this hour.


We're going to work on BPA competitive events, touch base with your teams and decide what your going to work on. Divide and conquer!

Friday, December 5, 2008

12-5 IMD I - Photoshoot and Cloth Wrapup

Finish up your Cloth Botique site, I'll be taking grades for this project on Monday so you'll need to get it finished ASAP.

We're also going to do a quick photoshoot for a promotional project we'll work on next week.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

12-4 IMD-II Ambient Audio Maddness!

We going to spend time talking about layering audio to create an ambient atmosphere for your interactive resume.

I'd like everyone to collect at least 5 different sounds that you will use to build a unique soundtrack for your ires.

12-4 IMD I - Movie in a movie

I'm impressed with your progress! I'm startng to hear things like "I'm starting to get this" and "flash isn't so bad!" Good job!

Were going to learn how to create a color changing clothing sample for the Cloth Boutique site.

New Content: Swap Bitmap and Swap Symbol

Can you create action script linking inside a movie clip?

How do you prepare a graphic for a color change sample?

How do you fine tune color to get it to match correctly?

Great Opporitunity Below

Sign up for this interesting after school program at Ohio State, only a few seats left act soon!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

12-2 IMD II

Ires today, make sure you post to get credit for the work you have done.

12-2 IMD I

Spend today working on the Cloth Boutique layout from yesterday. Post ablog of your work before the lab is over.

For Website and Computer animation teams make sure you give Mr. Dimasso you storyboards during the first 15 minutes of class.

Have a great day, I'll see you tomorrow.

Monday, December 1, 2008

12-1 IMD II - IRES

IRES in lab, BPA 3rd hour!

12-1 IMD I - Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving! It's good to be back in school and were going to do a little review with code in flash using transitions. I have the content prepared in a folder (fitzer/imdI/flash/sample3)

Use the outline I've provided to create the sample page.