Wednesday, September 29, 2010


Use lab time wisely! I will be collecting these assignments on FRIDAY.

You will have a portion of lab tomorrow to work.

The AUDIO HANDOUT is due at the beginning of lab TOMORROW!

I'm still a little concerned about uniforms staying together for the entire day, door to door. I feel that IMD sets a high standard for the building, lets make sure you look the part. Here's a message from Mrs. Moore about approaching cold weather:

Students, the cooler weather is here. To keep warm, you will need to wear your program's prescribed uniform pieces in classes, labs and the cafeteria. See your teacher for information on what clothing is acceptable for your program. Hoodies, jackets, sweaters and coats are not allowed. Your cooperation is appreciated.

A long sleeve T, uniform shirt, and IMD fleece will keep you toasty all winter long. :-)

Happy Aquarium Day!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

IMD I - Lab time for SRC

Long lab today, continue working on your SRC project.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Intro to Audio

Intro to Audio


Read the handout and answer the questions on both sides of the handout.

This assignment is due beginning of lab on Thursday.

Students must have this assignment completed to participate in the audio lab and 3rd hour on Friday.

Friday, September 24, 2010

IMD I - Lab Time For SRC

1. Make sure you've had your 6 animation drawing checked off (See Matt or Shane)

2. Complete your SRC sketch

3. Start modeling your SRC project!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


IMD I - Animation and SRC

Good Morning!

1. Finish the 6 animations from the storyboard page. Show the work to Matt when you have them completed.

2. Continue working on your SRC sketching. When you have a concept together please show me the sketches.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

IMD I - More on Animation

More on animation

Notes Page 1:

For Today:

1. Complete the 6 animation samples on the storyboard page. Place them in the same file. Save your work!

2. Show me your completed work and continue on your SRC project.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Don’t Be A Hater, It’s Making You Sad

by Daniel Ravanshenas

Watch out, what you say about others may actually be like holding a mirror to yourself. A recent study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology examined “perceiver effects,” a tendency for people to view others as having the same personality and motives as they do. Your, your IQ, your gender, and your attitude may reveal more about your own personality then you think.

Three separate studies were conducted on college undergraduates to determine the extent that personal characteristics affect a person’s perception of other people.

Research participants with positive perceptions of others were more likely to be satisfied with their own life. They were less likely to be depressed. Plus, the study participants who liked people, had a greater sense of fitting in. Interestingly, the “positive perceivers” had a lower desire to have power over others, less fear of being in a position of power, and lower sense of misusing power or being socially dominant. When it comes to viewing themselves, the positive people typically described themselves as happy too.

On the flip side, those with negative perceptions of others were more likely more likely to judge others as more extraverted, less agreeable, and less emotionally stable. The researchers found “negative perceivers” were actually more likely to experience bouts of the “blues.”

It gets more interesting. Those with higher GPA, SAT scores and IQ scores view others as “less open to experience” and less conscientiousness. Brainiacs, however, did tend to rate other people as more agreeable. Additionally, the women in the study, more so than men, were more likely to rate others positively. Women also had a tendency to judge others as more extraverted, conscientious, and open to experience.

The findings aren’t conclusive or definitive, but they are intriguing. Yes, the “perceiver effects” study was small and not the best reflection of every day society. Nor does it fully support the idea that a person’s perception is only related to their personality or disposition.

Perceiver effects may in fact be self-perpetuated. Viewing others positively allows a person to become friendlier to others, and other people respond in kind. It’s also very likely that the opposite true: perceiving others negatively may initiate a vicious cycle for others to behave negatively, which in turn leads to a confirmation of a person’s original perception.

Think about that the next time you perceive others. Happy Perceiving!

SRC Project

SRC Project

Ok, now that we’ve learned some of the tools in 3D Studio Max lets put them to work with a creative project.

You’re going to design and model a Robot, Space Ship, or Castle (maybe all three!)

First you’ll need some reference information, images from other artists or from actual life. These images will help you add “real” details to your project. Collect images online and copy and paste into powerpoint (ech) print your reference images when your done.

With your reference images in hand start sketching, remember you only have access to the simple shapes so build complex shapes from simple ones. You’ll be amazed what you can create with them. Draw you idea a couple of times, remember were working in 3D and you should draw you creations from different angles (top, front, and side are smart choices) When the sketches are completed show them to me, and get started in 3DS.
You’ll have 4-5 hours in lab to complete the assignment.

Happy modeling!


Monday, September 20, 2010

IMD I - A Little Squirkling

Follow this link and complete the tutorial.

This assignment is due begining of lab Friday.

Friday, September 17, 2010

IMD I - Looking at Evaluation

We're going to look at evaluating your building model today.

Take a look at the evaluation sheet and make your last minute changes or additions.

1. Use photoshop to create a 8x10 300dpi image horizontal orientation. Paste 2-4 rendered cameras from your 3D project on the document and print to the color printer in Mr.D's room (S71IT_4700A on NT71)

If your computer dosent have the 4700 as an option save your photoshop file to your jump drive and print from another classmates computer.

Connector Treasure Hunt
Building Model
Working Blog

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

IMD I - A few loose ends...

A few loose ends...

1. Make sure you complete the connector powerpoint from Monday. I'll be grading the slide show on Friday.

2. Get you blog running, if you need help please let me know.

3. Continue working on you building drawing, post rendered camera views to your blog.

4. Please email me ( the following:

Lastname firstinitial example - fitzerd

full blog address (copy and paste from address bar) -

email will look like this:


Got it? Good!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Textures and Treasure Hunt

3rd Hour
Connector Treasure Hunt
Don’t let this happen to you:
You’ve just landed your first awesome interactive media job and your boss asks you to get a rj45 network cable. You walk into a room in the back of the studio and it looks like a radio shack exploded. There are 100’s of different cables. Which one is the rj45? You can remember, your cell can’t get a signal so Google is out of the question. You return to your boss and say, “Uhhh I’m not sure what a rj45 looks like.”
Find pictures of the following connectors (both plug and jack) and make a powerpoint slide for each type. Identify how these connectors are used (audio, video, data, etc). Some of the connectors will have multiple uses.
USB mini
Firewire 400
Firewire 800
Firewire mini
Rj45 connector
¼” Instrument cable
1/8" stereo cable

Thursday, September 9, 2010

IMD II - Wrap Up

1. Finish your complex shape samples and post a rendered view to your blog so I can grade them.

2. Shop your concept sketches and post them to your blog.

3. If we have time were going to work on capstone concept development.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

IMD I - Get Ready for Uniform Checks

The staff and faculty at SWCA are proud of our awesome students and we want you to look professional while in the building. Here's an email from Mrs. Moore that was sent to staff:


please help to enforce the dress code. See page 26 of the student handbook.

Students must wear uniforms from time they enter until the time they leave the building. The exceptions are the students who are still awaiting uniforms. We are in the third week of school and hope to have all students in uniform by the end of week 4.
Thanking you for your leadership. Fall is in on the way!

Starting this week we will be doing random uniform checks. Student out of uniform will have to head to the office. Checks can take place in lab / hallway / cafeteria / and before and after school while in the building.

To clarify, uniform shirts (bowling shirt) must be worn every day, the fleece can be worn over the shirt.

Sorry if this sounds harsh, but the uniform policy helps keep our building looking professional.



IMD I - Simple Shapes Continued

Friday, September 3, 2010

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

IMD I - Simple Shapes

We'll be working on creating simple shapes in max and taking notes.

If time permits we will be working on creating the simple shapes below.

IMD II - pawn

IMD I - 3ds navigation

1. How do you maximize a viewport?

2. What is a viewcube?

3. How do you open the steering wheels?

4. How do you close the steering wheels?

5. How do you display wireframe mode?

6. How do you display wireframe edges?

7. How do you open the quad menu?

8. How do you activate the move tool with the keyboard?

9. How do you activate the rotate tool with the keyboard?

10. How do you activate the scale tool with the keyboard?

11. How do you constrain movement to a specific axis?

12. How do you constrain movement to two axes?

13. How do you pan the current window with your mouse?

14. How do you zoom the current view with your mouse?

15. How do you move an object exactly 10 units on the x axis?

16. How do you constrain rotation to 5 degree increments?

17. How do you use a spinner?

18. How do you use the keyboard to select the top view?

19. How do you use the keyboard to select the front view?

20. How do you use the keyboard to select the left view?

21. How do you arc rotate a view with keyboard and mouse?