Friday, October 29, 2010


Use time in lab and 3rd to work on your Main Menu, post to your blog to show proof of work. We're going to do a final push next week and wrap main menu so get ready!

Here are some things to think about:

You will need to include your name in the menu, you are marketing your skills and abilities your audience should see your name in lights!

Navigation needs to be visible and obvious, make sure you have animated rollover states.

Every menu needs neutral state animation, including main menu.

This is also a good time to think about sound, both ambient and for buttons.

Get lots of work done today, and have a fun and safe weekend.

IMD I - Pen Tool Rules!

Lab - Illustrate the Witch graphic above using the pen tool. I will be collecting the fleur de lis and the witch illustrations on Monday.

3rd Hour - Complete and TURN IN your super hero graph to the folder in the front of my lab! IT WILL BE COUNTED LATE IF TURNED IN ON MONDAY.

Have extra time? Start sketching ideas for a super hero or villain! We're starting the project Tuesday.

Have a fun and safe weekend - I'm looking forward to regular schedule next week!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Super Heroes

Graph 15+ Super Heroes on the image provided, try to find several different characters for each quadrant of the graph

Use wiki to find information on their powers and background.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

IMD I - Into to Animation Wrap-Up

Use the short lab to wrap up your Halloween animation and your dot. I will be collecting both tommorow.

We have an audio demo 3rd hour.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

IMD I - 4 simple rules quiz!

Read all of your instructions for the quiz:

Part 1 - Duplicate the animation shown on screen.

Part 2 - lay out your notes that include: two flash notes handouts and your hand written notes on the 4 rules of FLASH animation.

When you've completed the two parts call me over and I'll grade them.

After you complete your quiz work on your notes page, it's due friday.

If your notes page is complete work on your bat or dot animation.

Finaly create a small blue dot on the corner of your quiz animation before I grade your work. The blue dot is worth an extra 5 points. Be sneaky - don't announce this to anyone. I'm checking to see if you've read this blog post. You'll loose the extra points if you announce it to the class!

Monday, October 18, 2010



Your Assignment 3rd hour is to create a notes page that could teach a student “new to flash” how to do the following:

1. Teach them simple rules for animation

2. How to create separate symbols from an object drawn on one layer

3. How to make a looping animation inside a movie clip (flying bat as an example)

4. How to make sure a looping element loops smo0000000othly (copy first frame to end of sequence)

Use Photoshop (8”x10” @ 300ppi) or PowerPoint for the assignment

The page must be illustrated with at least one screen cap. From flash (print screen btn and paste into photoshop)

Add humorous, and logical, elements to your page.

Are the steps broken down into a logical and understandable sequence? Seniors will test the “usability” of the document.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

House on the Hill

Good morning!

We will be working with illustration in flash, as a warm-up draw the bat shown in the image below. Avoid using the pencil and brush tools on this one. Draw the body on one layer and the wings on another (a wise student would only draw one wing!) If the body and wings are on separate layers we can animate the bat and simulate flying.

Click here for an animation sample I created in class today

Monday, October 4, 2010


I have to submit grades for the first six weeks, I will not be able to accept late assignments after today! If you want SRC graded YOU HAVE TO TURN IT IN!

Visit the adobe site to find the answers to the following questions:

1. What are the three major functions of Adobe Flash?

2. How much is a commercial copy of flash cost?

3. How much is a student copy of the Adobe Master Collection?

Search the web to answer the following:

4. List three web sites that are flashed based.

5. What is current controversy between Apple and Adobe concerning flash?

Post your answers to your blog.

After posting open flash and try the different drawing tools. Try creating a cartoon character.