Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Content, content, content.....

Here's a very interesting article on the future of web design.


Monday, November 22, 2010


AS2.0 Preloader

onClipEvent (load) {
total = _root.getBytesTotal();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
percent = int(loaded/total*100);
tmr = getTimer();t2 = int(tmr/1000);
rem = t2 * 100;
rem2 = int(rem / percent);
rem4 = rem2 - t2;
rem3 = "estimated completion in " + rem4 + " seconds";
pltext = percent+"%"; t3 = "time elapsed: " + t2;gotoAndStop(percent);
if (loaded == total) {

Welcome to International Wood Burrowing Insect Immolation Day!

Welcome to International Wood Burrowing Insect Immolation Day!

IMD I - Work on Superhero Animation, Time is running out!

IMD II - IRES Duhhhhh.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

IMD I - Superhero Production

We have a long lab to work on the illustration and audio production components of the super hero character - YEEEEE - HAAAAAAAW

We will also have a layer masking warmup at the beginning of lab.

Monday, November 15, 2010

IMD I - Monster Trucks and Layer Masking

Creating a Layer Mask In Flash

Create Content Layer (this is what will be revealed)
Create Mask Layer above Content Layer
The mask layer will reveal the content layer below.
3. Animate the mask or content layer as necessary (animation rules apply – symbol, one object per layer, set to motion.
4. Right Click the Mask layer name and select mask

To Edit a layer mask
1. Right Click mask layer name and deselect mask
2. Unlock mask layer and content layer.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


First off - Juniors, this post is not for you look at the next post ;-)

Seniors - Work on the following

1. Revision of MM make sure you read the rubric and make sure you have all of the required elements. Friday is the last day I can accept this assignment for points this six weeks! MAIN MENU DUE FRIDAY.

2. Complete the 4 documents for the Summary Page. THIS IS DUE MONDAY.

Here is the information from the SUMMARY PLANNING RUBRIC:

Summary Planning

Reference ImagesMinimum of 15 reference images have been collected for this menu

Background and Summary Text Frame SketchTraceable sketch of menu including placement of summary text and navigation
Up state of return to main menu included
NSA clearly drawn and described
Influences of reference images identifiable

Navigation Sketch - Required SketchMain Menu Button - Separate Sketch REQUIRED (up, over, down states)

Buttons Need to identify the following:
Animated Button for over and down
Button Clearly Labeled
Buttons Have Sound (describe sound)

Interactive ElementsNeutral State Animation - add to background sketch
Background Ambient Sound Present (Describe the sound you will find on button sketch)
Flavor Button - Bonus add to background sketch

Summary TextTyped paragraph answering the question:
Why are you passionate about what you want to do in the future?
Not sure what you want to do answer the following:
Why would your skills be an asset to an organization?

IMD I - Superhero Animation

Two Uninterrupted days to work of your character and backgrounds! AWESOME!

Remember you need to be tracing your sketch with the pen tool. I'll be holding you to a very high standard. I'll be looking for smooth and controlled lines! Remember that you will need to revise with the sub select tool to edit, it's as important as the initial line creation!


Storyboard forms are one the back table, they are DUE MONDAY!

IMD I - Sketch Scanning and Non Linear Practice

IMD I - Sketch Scanning and Non Linear Practice

We will be scanning super hero sketches and starting the tracing process in flash.


Second half of lab will be practice for your illustration and non linear test on FRIDAY. The test will be open note.

Monday, November 8, 2010

IMD I - Super Hero Project Planning

Storyboards are graphic organizers such as a series of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion picture, animation, motion graphic or interactive media sequence, including website interactivity.

Use the storyboard page below to describe your animation. Here's the criterea we talked about on Friday. You will also need to complete a script that contains your dialog.

15-30 Seconds in Length
Storyboard and Script
Student recorded voiceover
2 “pan and scan” backgrounds
1 silhouette
Background Music (movie OST is a great idea)
A Completed Storyboard and script must be submitted before students are allowed to start the project

Thursday, November 4, 2010

IMD I - Animation vs Animator!

Special Screening in IMD I!

IMD I - Non Linear Scripting in FLASH!

We will be practicing non linear scripting in flash today. Make sure you are bringing notes to class EVERY DAY!

We will also be talking about superhero sketches. They will be due MONDAY.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

IMD I - Vector Illustration and Super Hero Backstory

We will be practicing vector illustration and working on a superhero journal and sketch. Details to follow!

Monday, November 1, 2010

IMD II - Main Menu Rubric

Main Menu 1st round due Friday!

Review demonstration / evaluation this week:

Adding Sound In Flash - Easy

How to Create a Layer Mask - Medium

IMD I - Super HERO

Lets start planning a superhero.

Create a list of 10+ bullet points that define your superhero.

Make sure you address the following:

Where is your character on the moral spectrum?

What powers does your superhero have? (how did they get them?)

What is your characters motivation?