Wednesday, January 26, 2011

IMD I and II

Competition is on Tuesday!

I think everyone is feeling the heat with BPA early next week. Please make sure you talk with Mr. D. if you have any technical issues.

Digital Media - You will need to be ready to burn DVDs on Monday. Be ready, make sure you help one another and share technology.

Computer Animation - Keep up the good work! Divide and conquer!

Presentation Management - Do at least one rehearsal and make sure slides are done.

Web - No revision after tomorrow!

Application Interview - Make sure your portfolio is ready to go.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Enjoy your long weekend!

Web teams - your deadline had moved to MONDAY!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

IMD II Semester Exam Part II

IMD II Semester Exam Part II
1. Construct a Pawn and Queen in 3DS Max, post a rendered view to your blog.
2. Create a camera looking into the scene; add depth of field to the
camera. Render and post you your blog.
3. With remaining time construct a knight from the tutorial.
4. Make sure you have completed you project planning from yesterday.

Monday, January 10, 2011

IMD II Semester Exam

Part I - Develop a project proposal.

You’ve been contacted by Steve’s Gourmet Ice Cream who needs a website that will showcase their unique ice cream products. They would also like a 30 second “viral video” to be showcased on the site.

Outline a series of steps to plan the project and then produce the documents. Make sure to address the following:

Cover letter to client
Research for concept and local market competition
Project planning tools (storyboard, flowchart, script, timeline)
Timeline for implementation / estimate of number of hours needed to complete the project.

Part II - Non Linear Sample – see board.
IMD I - Semester Exam

1. Use the diagram below to create a nonlinear project file in flash. Save your work to your login. This project will be graded from screen during the last 15 minutes of the exam.

Make sure buttons have rollover states 25%
Stop timeline 25%
Label timeline 25%
Button Created 25%

2. Flash Illustration and Animation

Import and trace the two shapes shown below using the pen tool.

3. Illustrate the character shown below. Break the character into separate layers for animation. Create a simple animation separating the arms, body, and head.

Create the outline first and add the fill color at the end of the exam.

4. 3D Studio Max Simple shapes and texture.

Duplicate the following examples. Use any image for the texture sample.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Table Troubles!

Here's some conversation I found dealing with table issues and DW.

Here's the question:

Doing a scaliable site, so that if you resize your browser the site
will adjust. I had it working perfect then went in and added my main
Iframe in the center. I used a function to auto resize the hieght of
the iframe and it works great. But now the whole site is not resizing
correct. I have certain cells that are my spacers and want them to
resize and all other cells stay fixed. If you load the site up in
Netscape it works perfect but IE comes out wrong.. How do I go about
fixing the size on most the cells and making my spacer cells adjust
on resize.. I put what I have so far online.. Any help would be great
: )

And the answer:


Your first mistake:

Get out of layout mode and never return! Go back to Standard View and the
problems that you are facing now will shrink exponentially. Because you have
relied upong layout view's crap table editing, you have the following
problems in your tables:

Cell widths: get rid of 'em. Set the width of your cells in your style sheet
if you must, otherwise they should just be allowed to collapse around their
content. The images and content in the cells should determine their width.

These are all over the place. Td heights are deprecated and useless. Again,
table cells should collapse around their content.

Second problem in that bit of code is the rowspans. Please read this article
on colspans and rowspans and you will better understand why your page is
doing what it is doing.
Remember when your mom told you that there's no such thing as a free lunch
or that you can't get somethin' for nothin'? Well that's what we try to
remind people of when using DW. Layout mode is a free lunch. It tricks you
into believing that you're getting something for nothing. It is making a
deal with the devil, though. You're compromising your code and that's not a
good thing Do a search in the google archives of this group (second link
in my signature below) for Layout View or layout mode or both and you'll see
exactly what you're getting yourself into and exactly why you should avoid
it like the plague!

Team Macromedia Member for Dreamweaver MX