Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How to create a drop down menu in fireworks

Here Note: Select Edit/Insert/Rectangular Slice in step 2!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Flash Notes HOW TO!

How to load another movie

Global functions
- loadMovie

To use load movie add to a button


on (press){

*note ,0 must be included!

How to use code to manipulate sound

How to link to websites and email

Tinker web

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, March 14, 2011

IMD II - Portfolio Due

Turn in your portfolio before the end of the day. I will give partial points for incomplete assignments. If your project is not turned in today it will be considered late.

Save your flash file to students/public/fitzer/portfolio

Friday, March 11, 2011

IMD II - Portfolio Rubric Link

click here

IMD I - 3rd Hour Questions DUE NEXT WED.

What steps do you need to follow to build a website from scratch?

How do I set up photoshop to create a template?

What options have to be selected before I slice?

How do I create rollover states for buttons?

How do I export html from ps?

How do I export rollover states?

What folder should I select to save my rollover states?

What should I name my rollover states?

How do I structure folders for a website, what goes where?

How do I move an image to the background of a tag?

How do I fix a tag that resizes strangely when I select it?

How do I create a style sheet?

What are the parts of a css rule?

How do I remove a blue box around an image link with css?

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

IMD I and II

Unexpected appointment today :-( I'll be back tomorrow.

Use long lab to start cutting up your OWN website template, you will need to create three pages:


Use the folder structure we have practiced, and keep your files organized.

We will be learning how to format text using style sheets tomorrow.

Have a great day!


Use long lab to complete your background image for your portfolio menu.

Remember - Get the big picture completed first, add detail as time permits.

Friday, March 4, 2011

IMD II - Protfolio Prep

1. Complete and submit your door hanger (both sides) with the appropriate documentation. If the required info (see blog or assignment sheet) is not submitted you project will not be graded. 250 points (20% deduct if submitted late)

2. Your portfolio sketches are in a folder in the front of my lab. You assignment is to create as many elements (minimum of 3) screen cap the elements and post to your blog. 50 points (20% deduct if submitted late)

ON TASK QUIZ - I will be selecting 5 random time during lab, students engauged in work will recieve credit. Students who are exibiting off task behavior will not recieve credit. (50 points)