Thursday, April 28, 2011

IMD I - VRML export from 3DS Max

A cool technology that never quite caught like I thought it would...

It is still in our list of competencies, and it's cool so we will be taking a look at VRML export.

Pluging here

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

IMD II - Clarification

IRES will be evaluated in a seperate presentation.

Monday, April 25, 2011

IMD II - Podcast Research

If possible wrap up IMD Audio podcast recording. We will be looking at the technical side of podcasting with this assignment.

Take a look at the following sites:

Take detailed notes on the process after doing some research. You may run into some vocabulary that is new, but thats part of the game with technology that changes every 6 months!

You may need to do additional googling to find what you need.

I will be grading the notes tomorrow in class.

Third Hour:

Everyone will need to complete a drawspace, or other non-computer art tutorial or activity for Friday.

If your IRES has been turned in, work on your art project in class.

If your IRES has NOT BEEN TURNED IN use lab time to complete IRES the art activity becomes homework.

IMD I - Wrapping up hardware identification

We spent some time last week identifying the internal components of a PC. Today I would like you to use FLASH to create an illustration of the back of the dell (remember the sketch we made last week) I want you to focus on the location of the connectors and their names. DO NOT ADD THE TINY CASE DETAILS - They are not important for this assignment.

Work 2D - do not try to draw the case in perspective

Complete the assignment in class, I will be grading it from screen first thing tomorrow.

3rd Hour:

Add these cases to you hardware identification photos, you should have all of them completed by the end of third hour. I will be grading them from screen tomorrow.

Bonus Photo:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

IMD I - Hardware ID!

Use photoshop to label the following items in each image:

Hard Drive
CD / DVD Rom
Power Supply
Expansion Cards

Full res images are located in students/public/fitzer

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

IMD I - Dude Your Drawing a Dell!

Were going to cover a couple of different competencies with one assignment. Yesterday you sketched and learned about some of the hardware components of the computer. Today we will be recreating the PC with 3DS Max (3D modeler from 1st 6 weeks....) Keep the detail simple, lets assume that we would be using the illustration to show someone how to upgrade ram.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

IMD I - Hardware Identification

1st half of long lab:

Create a detailed drawing of the back of our PCs, sketch in pencil on graph paper. Label each port / connector on the computer. The ports / connectors list will be on the projector.

Draw neatly on the graph paper messy sketches will need to be redrawn.

2nd half of long lab:

You will need to carefully disconnect your computer and open the case. Identify all of the components on the personal computer hardware wiki. Create a detailed sketch with pencil on graph paper of the location of the components.

After completing your internal sketch carefully reassemble your workstation and test it to make sure it works.

E-book Sales Top All Other Book Format Types in February

E-book Sales Top All Other Book Format Types in February
Sunday, April 17, 2011 - by Michael Santo

In late January, announced that for the first time, paperbacks were outsold by e-books at its site (hardbacks had been eclipsed six months before). On Thursday, the Association of American Publishers (AAP) made it official overall: e-books are now the most popular U.S. reading format. According to the AAP's report on February 2011 sales, e-books saw triple-digit percentage growth, 202.3%, when compared to February of 2010. Audiobooks also increased, 36.7 percent compared to last February.

Monday, April 18, 2011

45.1 Define Intelectual property Rights Covered by Intelectual Law

Define the following terms: 1. Plagiarism 2. Authorship 3. Work Made for Hire 4. Fair Use . What is the difference between: 5. Copyright 6. Patent 7. Trademark 8. Trade Secret


Today you will be putting together a quick estimate for an informational website. The client is Laundro-Mac an internet cafe / laundromat. Two locations We will discuss the rest of the details in class. POST TO YOUR BLOG (I will also be grading on screen): A paragraph written to the client describing the contents of the site and what you will charge. A concept image created in photoshop.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Time to work

IMD I - Use the time in lab to complete your portfolio site. Next week we will be uploading them to godaddy!

IMD II - The studio will be open for podcast recording. Complete a delta document and turn it in to the sub before leaving lab today for credit.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

IMD I - Working on Portfolio Site.

Welcome back! I hope you had a fun and relaxing break. We will get an easy start to the week by working on portfolio sites today. Make sure you verify and sign up for a web site domain. 3rd Hr - TBA