Monday, April 30, 2012


Spring Cleaning:

Computer Maintenance and backing up data is important, do you know what you should do?

The links below will get you started learning about what to do.  Read the following articles and create a list of things you should do to keep your computer backed up and running correctly.

What type software based based maintenance should you do?

What type of hardware based maintenance should you do?

How should you backup your data?  What type of hardware, software, or service will you need?

Create a word doc with illustrations and bullet points that outlines your strategy.  We will discuss these ideas on Friday.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

IMD I - Practice Image formatting and basic HTML.

Practice Image formatting and basic HTML.

1. optimize the images in IMD/templates/web/cars

create 800x___ optimized and 100x___ thumbnail versions. 

Use these images to create a simple html page.

copy and paste your completed folder to students/public/fitzer/66wk IMD I cars

Name the folder last_first_cars

IMD II - 4/26 and 4/27

Complete the templates/indesign/city journal page in indesign.

Match what you see in the page.jpg document.

The text highlighted in yellow in notes.jpg should be types as shown. The other text in the document can be ipsum text. 

Match color and font to the best of your ability.

Turn in your work to students/public/fitzer/66wk IMD II journal

Export as a PDF and name your file file last_first_journal.pdf

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

IMD I - Linking

Get Caught Up!

Make sure that you complete the assignments from yesterday, see the blogpost for details!

1. Make sure lolcats is turned in
2. Create thumbnails for each lolcat image
3. Take the w3 html test again, turn it in with the instructions posted yesterday.

New for today.

Create and link 4 pages in your lolcat folder.

Above and beyond.

Continue working on your dragonfly illustrations, you will need to complete the list at the end of the packet.

Weapon of Mass Instruction

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

IMD II - Indesign Duplication

Use in design to duplicate the sample in imd/templates/indesign/jamaica

Make sure to look at the notes and main images for instructions

save your completed work to students/public/fitzer/66wk IMD II Jamaica

NOTE 1st hour needs to complete Dr.Ozzy

IMD I - Turn in LOLCAT website

1. Review the process to optimize images for web from yesterday:

Read this tutorial and create a notes page (in word or in your comp book) on how to save a jpeg for a website.

Make a copy of imd/template/web/lolcat site in your login, optimize the images and rebuild the site.

2. Make sure you turn in the assignment from yesterday:

Copy and paste a folder containing the site to students/public/fitzer/66wk IMD I lolcat. Name the folder before you turn it in. last_first_size in kb ex) fitzer_derek_130kb

3. Were going to expand on out lolcat website. 

Make a copy of the jpeg images and create 100x___ px thumbnails. Save them with the same name but add _thm at the end of the file name 

expect_me_to_play.jpg    becomes  expect_me_to_play_thm.jpg

One this is completed we will use them as buttons to link pages.

4. Take the html test again!

Use the snipping tool application to screen capture your score. Use photoshop to add your name and HTML 2nd test the image.

Save the image as a jpeg to students/public/fitzer/66wk IMD I html 2nd/last_first_html2.jpg

Monday, April 23, 2012

IMD II - InDesign

Past Due - OCTO


UP NEXT - See Me!


Optimize images for web:

 Read this tutorial and create a notes page (in word or in your comp book) on how to save a jpeg for a website.

Make a copy of imd/template/web/lolcat site in your login,  optimize the images and rebuild the site.

Copy and paste a folder containing the site to students/public/fitzer/66wk IMD I lolcat.  Name the folder before you turn it in. last_first_size in kb   ex) fitzer_derek_130kb

Friday, April 20, 2012

IMD II - InDesign Projects

Design the three documents in IMD/Templates/Indesign.  The word doc in each folder contains instructions for the assignment.

Each document should demonstrate use of wraping and columns.  You will be graded on technical ability, creative composition, and following instructions.

1. Octo

2. West Side Story

3. Capa History

Export (interactive pdf)  completed files to the appropriate folder in student/public/fitzer

Name files:




Wednesday, April 18, 2012

IMD I - Early Release

1. Practice for your audio final - Set up your workstation to use a mixer in audition.  You can use your notes! Use the snipping tool to capture the two settings for input and output of the pc audio paste these on a power point slide.  I will check them in class. 

2. Lets see what you know about HTML.  Take the pre test here:

3. Use the snipping tool application to screen capture your score.  Use photoshop to add your name and HTML pretest the image.

Save the image as a jpeg to students/public/fitzer/66wk IMD I htmlpre/last_first_pre.jpg

4. Start with the introduction page of W3school and take notes on the content.  Try the practice activities.  The notes will be graded at the end of the hr. 
2-3 pages B-A 
1-2 pages  D-C
<1 pages Not Passing

Loose leaf notes will recieve a 10% deduction.  Off tast will recieve 10% deduct.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Audio Demo Reel

Compile your audio labs into one file:

Build the file in the following order

Long Copy Read, Station ID, Big Guns, Shotgun, Wireless.

Long Copy Read, Station ID are REQUIRED

Save as a .wav file to sutdents/public/fitzer/audiolabs/last_first_fin.