Monday, August 31, 2009

IMD II - New 3D Tools

We'll look at new spline tools today!

Join Splines

Auto Weld

Soft Selection

And More!

3RD Hour.....

1. Create a gmail account

2. Create a google docs account

3. Using google docs create a resume, include the following components




Work Experience

Volunteer Experience


Honors / Awards

IMD I - Welcome to Week Two!

Review 3Ds navigation handout

Construct simple shapes.

3rd Hour

1. Create a gmail account

2. Use your gmail account to create a google docs account at

3. Spend 30 minutes creating a full page drawing on the paper provided - due tomorrow.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Check this out...

Some great example of computer modeling and animation

IMD II - How about a nice game of chess?

5 points for whoever gets the quote.....

We will continue with lathe and polygon extrude. We'll also introduce the boolean subtraction tool to create the bishop.

Link to boolean subtraction notes:

IMD I - About me presentations

20 minutes in lab to wrap up about me.

3DS Max navigation terms wrap up

About me presentations 3rd hour

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Capstone topic wrap up
Review 3ds nav
Intro to lathe and face extrude

-- Post From My iPhone

IMD I - About me and a little 3D

We have a long lab today (1.5 periods). We will spend the first half working on your "about me" slide show. We will spend the second half of lab working with 3D studio max.

Make sure you have a notebook and writing utensil ready in class every day.

Link to 3ds max navigation handout

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

IMD II - Welcome Back!

In lab today:


Capstone Overview

Planning Worksheet

IMD I - Welcome to Interactive Media Design!

Congratulations on joining IMD. It's going to be an exciting and challenging two years.

You first assignment is to create an "about me" slide show using powerpoint. I'll spend about 5 minutes covering the powerpoint basics and then I'll let you create your presentation.

Here's the criteria for the project:

Create a minimum of 5 slides

Include information about:
Your hobbies and interests
sports or games you like to watch or play
favorite types of music
your family
Your home school

Tell us about yourself! Feel free to add any school appropriate information you would like to share.

Be creative, If you have time add transition, animation, sound, the sky is the limit.

You will be sharing your presentation with the class.

Friday, August 21, 2009

I couldn't pull the trigger!

To the senior class of 2010,

At the beginning of the summer I said to myself "I want all of my seniors to enjoy their break, I'll wait a couple of weeks before posting their assignment"

After a couple of weeks I revisited the idea. I had been working on revamping the capstone and ires project, I had the new ires planning assignemt in my copy buffer one click away from posting it to the blog. Then pangs of guilt as I thought about the sad faces of my students being assigned homework over the summer. I couldn't pull the trigger! Hopefully everyone has put a little thought into a capstone / ires topic and theme. We'll talk about it when were back in school.

I hope you've enjoyed your vacation. It's going to be an exciting year.

See you next week!
