Wednesday, October 20, 2010

IMD I - 4 simple rules quiz!

Read all of your instructions for the quiz:

Part 1 - Duplicate the animation shown on screen.

Part 2 - lay out your notes that include: two flash notes handouts and your hand written notes on the 4 rules of FLASH animation.

When you've completed the two parts call me over and I'll grade them.

After you complete your quiz work on your notes page, it's due friday.

If your notes page is complete work on your bat or dot animation.

Finaly create a small blue dot on the corner of your quiz animation before I grade your work. The blue dot is worth an extra 5 points. Be sneaky - don't announce this to anyone. I'm checking to see if you've read this blog post. You'll loose the extra points if you announce it to the class!

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