Friday, May 18, 2012


1. Complete your portfolio comp (include email contact, about me, and portfolio.)

2. Use photoshop to slice the document creating links for contact, about me and portfolio.  Save as html and images using the appropriate file name for the first page for a website.

Save all of your web work to a folder named lowercase last and first initial example: fitzerd for Fitzer, Derek

3. Create a godaddy account with valid contact and login information.  You will need this account to on Monday to complete your exam.

4. Use ALL REMAINING TIME to create an about me page (you can recycle elements from your main page).  You will be graded on staying on task for the allotted exam period.

Manage your time during the last 10 minutes of class copy and paste your folder to s/p/f/IMD II EXAM I

Grading Criteria:

Main Page Comp Design 50%
Slices and HTML creation 15%
Linking to About Me 10%
Files Named Correctly 10%
About Me 15%

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