Tuesday, April 30, 2013

CCAD Toon Boom Storyboard Contest


CCAD Toon Boom Storyboard Contest

Columbus College of Art & Design has just been designated as a Center of Excellence in Education by Toon Boom, a global leader in digital content and animation software. CCAD is the first college or university in the U. S. to receive such an honor. To mark this occasion, CCAD is launching a storyboard contest for high school students.Students are invited to create and submit a storyboard for a short film (not to exceed one minute of screen time). Entries will be judged on their creativity and clarity of communication. Deadline for submissions is June 1, and the winner will be notified on June 7.

Monday, April 29, 2013

IMD I and II

IMD I - Use lab to revise website from Friday critique.  If we didn't review your site continue with segment layout.  We will finish going through the sites tomorrow.  Remember to use small san-serrif fronts for navigation!

IMD II - Create an adobe ID if you don't already have one.  We will be using flexslider from the dreamweaver widgets and you'll need the ID to download it.  Get your slide content ready for tomorrow you'll need it!

3rd Hour I and II - Use 3rd hour to continue website work.  We need to wrap these up!

Wallpaper of the day:  24 minute led light painting

Monday, April 22, 2013


In Lab - Continue working on your website.  Turn in a checkpoint at the end of the hour to 60_srweb_chk3 We will present these tomorrow.  We will also finish the IS presentations we missed a week ago!

3rd Hour - Creative Hour, turn in evidence of your work to 61_creative_hour

Monday, April 15, 2013

IMD I and II

IMD I - Continue working with the Thompson slide show.  Complete 3 slides and add a push or reveal animation in flash.

Tomorrow is the last day to work on this site!  Use any remaining time to brainstorm for your student portfolio site.

IMD I 3rd Hour - Continue illustrating your flash projects from two weeks ago.  We will be continuing this project after getting Mr. Thompson's site finished.

IMD II - Use lab to work on your portfolio site the criteria is saved in s/p/f/imd II.  You will have a checkpoint at the end of lab tomorrow, you will need to show progress on the site.

Use 3rd Hour to continue with the site, or work on Capstone.

Thursday, April 11, 2013


function clickHandler(event:MouseEvent):void{
     if(event.target.name == "slide1"){
         navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://www.digg.com"), "_blank");
     if(event.target.name == "slide2"){
         navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://www.msn.com"), "_blank");
     if(event.target.name == "slide3"){
         navigateToURL(new URLRequest("http://www.google.com"), "_blank");
 container.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);

Monday, April 8, 2013

IMD I - Wrap up the site

In Lab Today

Wrap up the site for Mr Thompson

Completed site checklist:

Header with rollover links

Left and righ columns.

Completed segments (float picture, text, h1 title, hr seperator, padding on text)

header with TEXT - NOT PHOTOSHOPED links

Turn in the site to 47_tompson_v1

Wednesday, April 3, 2013



1. Make sure you have a header and footer saved as a JPEG in 41_thompson_site.  Alot of people have .psd files saved here.  Mr. Thompson can't view these!

2. Construct a div based page (head, lcol, rcol, foot)   Make sure to create a container first!

3. Import your header and footer graphics.

4. Add text and photos to the lcol and rcol areas. We will format this info with CSS to arrange and pad the elements.

5. Use leftover time to continue illustrating your animation project.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

IMD II   Independent Study Week

1.       Choose a Track

Game Design – Cry Engine

Major Objectives:

        Create an account to use Cryengine

        Design a paper based layout of level

        Learn how to use the application – navigate, create terrain, place objects

        Create enemy with AI

        Import simple 3D from 3DS Max

        Import textured objects from Max

Final Product

        Demonstrate playable level with defined path or intelligent sandbox areas.


Advanced Animation

Major Objectives:

Create a storyboard for a 5-10 second animation

Animate the storyboard

Script and record voiceover

Demonstrate depth – fore, back, mid

Demonstrate secondary action

Demonstrate phonic states

Final Product

        Completed rendered video



Design Your Own

4-6 Major Objectives, must include one element to that shows planning (storyboard, script, other



Final Project
Evaluation 50% daily participation  50% friday presentation

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