Tuesday, April 2, 2013

IMD II   Independent Study Week

1.       Choose a Track

Game Design – Cry Engine

Major Objectives:

        Create an account to use Cryengine

        Design a paper based layout of level

        Learn how to use the application – navigate, create terrain, place objects

        Create enemy with AI

        Import simple 3D from 3DS Max

        Import textured objects from Max

Final Product

        Demonstrate playable level with defined path or intelligent sandbox areas.


Advanced Animation

Major Objectives:

Create a storyboard for a 5-10 second animation

Animate the storyboard

Script and record voiceover

Demonstrate depth – fore, back, mid

Demonstrate secondary action

Demonstrate phonic states

Final Product

        Completed rendered video



Design Your Own

4-6 Major Objectives, must include one element to that shows planning (storyboard, script, other



Final Project
Evaluation 50% daily participation  50% friday presentation

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