Thursday, November 20, 2008

11-20 IMD I - Lax Bloggging!

Sorry I've been a little lax in my blogging recently. Today we're going to review our two new lines of code:


NOTE: this line of code can only be applied to a frame on the timeline




NOTE: this code can only be applied to a button on the stage.

Steps for troubleshooting flash code projects

1. Make sure the file is organized
- Name all layers
- Name all library objects
- Code on code layer
- Frame labels on fl layer
- Content on content layers
- Remove and align extra or unused frames and keyframes

2. Read error messages and use them as a guide to find problem locations
- Check lines of code character by character

3. Use the code window to find and correct stray code

Still not working? Go back to step 1 and try it again!


Open students/public/fitzer/imdI/flash/fix my code.fla

Using the guide above fix the code so that the flash file works.

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