Thursday, March 5, 2009

3-5 IMD II

Hello! No blog posts yesterday? What gives?

OK, I'll be back tomorrow. I'm sure this has been a long week for everyone.

You have the option of working on portfolio or interactive resume. Make sure you make a well thought and well documented post.

Looking forward to being back tomorrow!


Anonymous said...

Why no blog posts? All blogs were blocked by Southwestern City Schools. Wordpress, and Blogger were blocked. By the time I went down to the office (to get the issue resolved) we had rotated classes. That's the reason our rotation has no blogs at least. Stupid SWCS. How was that a smart idea. Yet gaming sites like Joystiq and Kotaku remain open.

As you can tell though by this though, blogs are back up and running so everyone should be able to post.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and Flickr is blocked.

Steven said...

My blogger address: