Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Save Tammy's Pizza!

HELP! - Tammy's website needs a serious style intervention.

Redesign the main page.

The site should meet the following criteria:

All page formatting elements should be controlled by an external style sheet.

You should use tiled background images to add texture and contrast to the page.

The content of the page should be contained inside a table.

Build the links shown on the site using rollover images.

Apply CSS to format the text, pay attention to the details.

You will need to be able to explain and defend the aesthetic elements of your design (color, texture, layout, etc.)

This assignment will be graded pass / fail. If your work is not evaluated at an acceptable level you will need to redesign and resubmit. This process will repeat until the work is evaluated as passing.

ASK QUESTIONS and ASK FOR FEEDBACK about your design in progress to avoid having to redo work.

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