Monday, October 17, 2011

IMD II - Intro to AE
Getting Started
1.       What types of media can be used in AE(4)?
2.       Can Depth of Field be manipulated in 3D AE?
3.       Define: Rotoscope
4.       Define: Composite
5.       What is Keylight?
6.       What industries use AE?
7.       What is the programming language associated with AE?
8.       Can you control layer blend mode in AE?
Workflow Overview
11. Where is the project panel
22.  Where is the timeline panel 
33. What is a composition
44. Where is the composition panel
55.   What are the 3 big steps?
Panels and Workspace
1 . What will the tilde key do when clicked in a workspace?
2.  How do you undock a panel (pc)?
3. What are drop zones?
4. What is a frame?
5. How do you open a lost panel?
6. How do you save your layout?
7. Will AE remember your workspace?
8. How do you get you standard workspace back?
9. Where is AE help?
On your own:
Complete the activities in gs-4, gs-5, gs-6.
Take notes on the relevant information. 

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