Monday, January 9, 2012

IMD I Semester Exam Pt.1

Please read these instructions carefully before starting to work!

Click on the image below and download the large image and import into flash.  Set the image up for tracing and work from left to right.  Treat all lines as a single path, do not worry about line weight (width).  Use a minimum number of verticies.  You do not need to complete the entire drawing, quality is more important that quantity.  

At a minimum complete Fred and Dino (first two characters on the left)  You will have one class period to complete this activity. 

The Drawing will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

10% Import and setup of background.
10% All time used for assignment. On task and quite.
20% Closed fill areas
60% Neat clean lines / use of pen tool.

The second part of your exam will posted at 8:45.  We will rotate at 9:15.

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