Friday, February 17, 2012

Answer the following questions about your whack a mole game.

1. What is the back story (the moment before): What happened before the first

moment of gameplay. The back story is the specific event that brought your

character to this moment in time.

2. Who are the characters? How do other characters interrelate with each other,

and your character? Add pictures with the text descriptions if available

3. What is the conflict: what happens to draw the player into the story? Where

is there drama in the story? How is the conflict resolved or left

unresolved? Is the conflict humorous or serious? How is the product or

message presented through the resolution or nonresolution of conflict?

4. What is the characters age? (young, old, middle-age)

5. Does the character speak with an accent or dialect? (if so what would be the country of origin?  ONE OF THE CHARACTERS MUST SPEAK!

6. What sounds will the character make when hit and in a neutral state?

7. Write an introduction that one of your characters will speak to the player before the game starts.

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