Thursday, August 23, 2012

IMD I - Continue with About Me

Good Morning! 


Lab: time for About Me presentation

Discussion: Agenda Book / Note Taking

Demonstration: How to turn in completed files. 

Turn In: 1_savetest


How do I turn in my work?

1. CHECK THE BLOG to make sure you know what you need to turn in!

2. Files are saved students/public/fitzer/IMDI  the next folder is for the specific assignment

3.  ALWAYS save your files with this format:

lastname_firstname_assignment    example:  fitzer_derek_aboutme

If you update your work or need to turn something else in you will need to save the work with a different name, students do not have the ability to delete work in the students folder.  Simply use a number after the assignment name.

example : fitzer_derek_aboutme2

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