Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wednesday and Thursday IMD I and II Project Plans

Wednesday and Thursday IMD I and II Project Plans


You will have lab on Wednesday and Thursday to complete most of your SRC project.  Make sure to use the slides and sketches you have generated as you work.  I will be looking to see the connection between what you planned and your final project.

You will have approximately 4 lab hours to complete this project

Remember what we discussed in class about your models:

1. Keep textures simple, subtle is usually better.

2. Don't let the shapes do the work for you. It's time to let the teapot go.

3. Combine lots of small copied shapes and groups to make larger objects.

4. Texture and map before copying.

5. Make sure you use the tools, it will improve your work.


Use your quick keys and shortcuts! SAVE YOUR WORK EVERY 5 MINUTES!


Her e are the main elements I’ll be looking for when grading the project:

Planning evident in work

Texture is appropriate and controlled

Details – Are there lots of small details to create an interesting model?

Complexity -

Camera Use – Did you choose realistic, interesting, and descriptive views of your model?


You should use all available time to work on this project.  If you find it’s “done” after a couple of hours, you probably don’t have enough complexity and details in your work. 

If you have a robot you can always build the robots environment, buildings, laboratory….

Space ships are surrounded by planets, other space ships, space stations…

Castles can always be expanded!


IMD II – Chess Environment

 Use the next two days in lab to build your architectural and fantasy chess environments.    Make sure to use the slides and sketches you have generated as you work.  I will be looking to see the connection between what you planned and your final project.

Create basic textures for your models but do not apply textures to the chess set.  We will be doing this as a class activity next week.

AT THE END EACH DAY – Screen cap your progress and turn into the appropriate folder in s/p/f/imdII/

last_first_wed1.jpg,  last_first_wed2.jpg,  last_first_wed3.jpg,

 last_first_th1.jpg, ….

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