Tuesday, December 18, 2012


IMD I and II


Your site map and wireframes should be completed,  I should be back tomorrow, be prepared to share these in a formal presentation (practice for judging) the presentation will be worth a test grade and you will not have time to prepare tomorrow, so be ready.  I will be grading your presentation based on the bpa rubric.  just substitute wireframe for website.

Digital Media

You should be working on camera operation with D today.  You also need to create a shot list from your storyboard,  make sure to plan shots that re-create nationals:  students in professional dress, awards ceremony, competition, etc.  Make sure to look at the have to win list on the back board.

Computer Modeling

Start modeling a car exterior, create a bitmap that will be applied as a texture (use mapscaler, or uvw map modifiers to make the texture fit.) if you are unable to do this have the model and texture prepped for tomorrow.  Complete 1-2 car designs.

Computer Animation

Continue working on supplemental models (kiosk, vendor cart, entry arch, etc) also focus your efforts on a storyboard for the two minute animation.  This will guide what and how we model.  This step is very important.  Make sure to address run time of each shot in the storyboard.  This is critical for computer animation.  

The storyboard is due tomorrow. 

Monday, December 17, 2012


Unfortunately I picked up the flu thats going around.

Remember:  It's days like these that are going to determine who our winners are!  Don't slack because I'm not there!  I'm expecting to see significant work when I'm back.

Make sure to use google for any terms you need to define in this document.

Digital Media

Continue with storyboards,  they will need to be completed so we can start shooting when I'm back.

You can also do another animation in AE to mix up your day.


Complete the wireframe and site map, I'd also like to see new segments (3 per person)

3D Animation

Continue working on "outside the ride" elements.  these can include, but are not limited to:

Awning / Shade Structures

Ride Themed Turnstiles

Ride Themed wall sections (stone, brick, wood, etc. )

3D Modeling

Complete track system research and model the appropriate system for each coaster (specifically the chassis of the coaster and the appropriate wheels / rails / etc) .

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Digital Media

 You will need to generate a storyboard for your presentation   Make sure to include the following elements:

AE x3
Dolly Shot
Jib Shot

Answer the big questions: How are you telling the story?  What aspects of nationals are you going to address? What features of Indy are you going to showcase?

DO NOT SPEND TIME "SITTING AND THINKING" use time in lab to create a AE graphic for one of you aspects of nationals points.


Make sure you have SOLID CONCEPT and present it to me.  I want to see chapters! Referecnce images are very important collect lots of them.  Please check in with me for the next steps.

Minimum Due Today: Logo / Signature Graphic For Each Coaster


We will start out reviewing storyboards and wireframes,  segment content will be next

DUE TODAY:  3 segments per student (total of 9 per group) 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

IMD II - Personal Site DIVs and segments

Personal Portfolio Project   - 1st Term Pages


 q1.htm to specs below,   style.css to specs below, 7 additional pages for projects

css rules for #head    #leftcol  #rightcol  #footer   h1  h2 and p

Images in a folder called “images” saved as appropriate thumbnail and large resolution

q1.htm      IMD II first quarter Page

                Create an html page (q1.htm) and a style sheet (style.css)

                Construct the page with 4 divs (style rules must be in style.css not the html doc)

                                #head (1200x400)            #leftcol (600 x variable)                        #rightcol (600 x variable)       #footer (1200 x 250)

                Create segments in left and right DIVs with:

Image (prepare 1 at thumbnail resolution and one at full screen res optimized in PS)

Title (formatted with h1 tag) 

Application(s) used (formatted with h2 tag)

Short description that communicates one key element of what you learned from this project.   NOTE: Abstract ideas, “I learned a lot,” are not detailed enough! (Formatted with p tag)

Do this for each of the following projects:          

Glass chess

                Environment Chess


                Columbus Historic

                BPA Pin Design

                Logo Design

`              Capstone

                Extra credit:  A personal project from this year (max 2, 20 points each)


Create pages for each project with a large image and description.  Name each document the first three letters of the project name.  (Glass Chess = gla.htm)

Link each to style.css