Wednesday, December 5, 2012

IMD II - Personal Site DIVs and segments

Personal Portfolio Project   - 1st Term Pages


 q1.htm to specs below,   style.css to specs below, 7 additional pages for projects

css rules for #head    #leftcol  #rightcol  #footer   h1  h2 and p

Images in a folder called “images” saved as appropriate thumbnail and large resolution

q1.htm      IMD II first quarter Page

                Create an html page (q1.htm) and a style sheet (style.css)

                Construct the page with 4 divs (style rules must be in style.css not the html doc)

                                #head (1200x400)            #leftcol (600 x variable)                        #rightcol (600 x variable)       #footer (1200 x 250)

                Create segments in left and right DIVs with:

Image (prepare 1 at thumbnail resolution and one at full screen res optimized in PS)

Title (formatted with h1 tag) 

Application(s) used (formatted with h2 tag)

Short description that communicates one key element of what you learned from this project.   NOTE: Abstract ideas, “I learned a lot,” are not detailed enough! (Formatted with p tag)

Do this for each of the following projects:          

Glass chess

                Environment Chess


                Columbus Historic

                BPA Pin Design

                Logo Design

`              Capstone

                Extra credit:  A personal project from this year (max 2, 20 points each)


Create pages for each project with a large image and description.  Name each document the first three letters of the project name.  (Glass Chess = gla.htm)

Link each to style.css

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