Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Very Cool

Check out these retro album covers

12-17 IMD I - Get those notebooks ready!

Your completed notebooks are due tommorow! Make sure you actualy read the criterea and know what you need to turn in. I can't tell you how many students loose alot of points by not actualy reading the assignemnt!

Students with incomplete assignments or failing assignments will be required to make up this work on Friday before they can join our winter break celebration.

You have all of lab today to work on this assignment.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

12-16 IMD I - All about color



Thursday, December 11, 2008

12-11 IMD I - Developing Your Online Portfolio

1. Save you Cloth Botique to dropbox/fitzer/imdI/cloth (remember to copy and paste the file to save correctly - search the blog if you need to watch the video)

2. We also need to finalize your cartoon animation projects. I've created a folder dropbox/fitzer/imdI/cartoon. I'll leave this folder open of one week. You will need to finish your poject within this time period and get it turned in.

Online Portfolio

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

12-10 IMD II - great icons!

Design an Icon set for your ires:

Sketch in Pencil each icon should be 2" - 4" square
Launcher Icon

Audio Play
Audio Stop
Audio FF
Audio REW


Generic Portfolio
Generic Bullet Point

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

12-9 IMD II - Soundarific

I should be back tomorrow, so today is your last chance to work on ires this week. Make sure you have your sounds from yesterday ready to go so i can give you a big A in the grade book for your hard work.

Post to your blog with updates on what you've been working on.

12-9 IMD I - Shape tween

Looks like a most people have finished Cloth Boutique in the blog, nice job!

I'd like you to try a new technique today- SHAPE TWEENING! It's very similar to motion tweening but it morphs shapes from one key frame to the next.

The rules are a little different, but still very similar to a motion tween.

Read the following tutorials and try it on your own. You will need to answer the questions below and create the tweens and post them on your blog to get credit for your work today.

Questions from what you've read:

1. Do you need to convert object to symbols before shape tweening?

2. Can you shape tween multiple objects on the same layer?

3. What color is a correct shape tween?

4. How do you shape tween text?

On your own:

morph a circle to a box

Create a "blooming flower" shape tween

Post the answers to the questions and screen caps of your motion tweening on your blog.

Have extra time? Try the feeling advanced activity below or start creating sketches of your portfolio website that we'll be starting next.

Feeling advanced?

try using a shape tween and motion tween in the same document to create an interesting effect like the pencil in the tutorial below.

Monday, December 8, 2008

12-8 IMD II - AudioScape

Continue to gather audio for your interactive resume. You will need to collect a total of 10 individual clips for you ires. You can collect ambient audio sounds, sfx sounds, and instance sounds (buttons and rollover)

Soundtrack music clips are not part of this grade. Music will be a separate element in the ires.

I will be assigning a grade on the number of individual samples you have collected, each sample will be worth 10% of this grade.

12-8 IMD I - UGGGG

Sorry everyone I'm out today with the flu.

This is a good opportunity to finish up cloth boutique.

Cloth Boutique Checklist

1. Have you labeled all layers and library symbols?

2. Is your time line organized and neat?

3. Have you cleaned up all stray frames and key frames?

4. Is you navigation working?

5. Did you follow the animation guidelines on the content and storyboard page?

6. Did you complete the Mens wear and Womens wear color change samples?

7. Do all of your colors match the specs on the content and storyboard page?

8. Did you use the correct text from the word doc?

Have two classmates verify that you you've correctly completed these items and you'll be on track for an A when I collect this assignment tomorrow.

If you've finished early, you'll have time to work on you cartoon animation.

Post at the end of short rotations today with what you were able to complete this hour.


We're going to work on BPA competitive events, touch base with your teams and decide what your going to work on. Divide and conquer!

Friday, December 5, 2008

12-5 IMD I - Photoshoot and Cloth Wrapup

Finish up your Cloth Botique site, I'll be taking grades for this project on Monday so you'll need to get it finished ASAP.

We're also going to do a quick photoshoot for a promotional project we'll work on next week.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

12-4 IMD-II Ambient Audio Maddness!

We going to spend time talking about layering audio to create an ambient atmosphere for your interactive resume.

I'd like everyone to collect at least 5 different sounds that you will use to build a unique soundtrack for your ires.

12-4 IMD I - Movie in a movie

I'm impressed with your progress! I'm startng to hear things like "I'm starting to get this" and "flash isn't so bad!" Good job!

Were going to learn how to create a color changing clothing sample for the Cloth Boutique site.

New Content: Swap Bitmap and Swap Symbol

Can you create action script linking inside a movie clip?

How do you prepare a graphic for a color change sample?

How do you fine tune color to get it to match correctly?

Great Opporitunity Below

Sign up for this interesting after school program at Ohio State, only a few seats left act soon!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

12-2 IMD II

Ires today, make sure you post to get credit for the work you have done.

12-2 IMD I

Spend today working on the Cloth Boutique layout from yesterday. Post ablog of your work before the lab is over.

For Website and Computer animation teams make sure you give Mr. Dimasso you storyboards during the first 15 minutes of class.

Have a great day, I'll see you tomorrow.

Monday, December 1, 2008

12-1 IMD II - IRES

IRES in lab, BPA 3rd hour!

12-1 IMD I - Welcome Back!

I hope everyone had a great thanksgiving! It's good to be back in school and were going to do a little review with code in flash using transitions. I have the content prepared in a folder (fitzer/imdI/flash/sample3)

Use the outline I've provided to create the sample page.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Game Industry Day

We all know that gaming is making a significant impact on our society. From entertainment industry to on the job training, gaming is here to stay. Lets learn some facts about whats really going on.

Read two of the sections on the Games in Daily Life page and write a one page (250 word) reaction to what you have read. Compose your work in Word and then post post your journal to your blog.

Be prepared for a class discussion over what you have learned.

We'll wrap up our short week with some hands on gaming, from current 360 titles to old school pong.

Have a fantastic break,

New BPA photos have been posted!


I've finally gotten around to posting our BPA SLC Photos. Thanks to Tavy for reminding me!

Here's a link to the entire set.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

11-20 IMD I - Lax Bloggging!

Sorry I've been a little lax in my blogging recently. Today we're going to review our two new lines of code:


NOTE: this line of code can only be applied to a frame on the timeline




NOTE: this code can only be applied to a button on the stage.

Steps for troubleshooting flash code projects

1. Make sure the file is organized
- Name all layers
- Name all library objects
- Code on code layer
- Frame labels on fl layer
- Content on content layers
- Remove and align extra or unused frames and keyframes

2. Read error messages and use them as a guide to find problem locations
- Check lines of code character by character

3. Use the code window to find and correct stray code

Still not working? Go back to step 1 and try it again!


Open students/public/fitzer/imdI/flash/fix my code.fla

Using the guide above fix the code so that the flash file works.

Monday, November 17, 2008

11-17 IMD I - Ready, Set, Code!

We will be working with animation today and a SHORT lecture getting us ready to start Action Script! Get you notes ready, your going to need them.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

11-13 IMD I - Animation

Continue with your animation.

Remember to use movie clips to solve your animation problems.

You should also work in a new document so the layers don't get too confusing.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

11-12 IMD II - IRES and Sauce Shot Rough Cut

We'll have time in lab for ires and we'll also be looking at a rough cut of the sauce shot video from last week.

11-12 IMD I - Animation Continues

Keep working on your animation. I'll be in problem solving mode if you need help. If you find yourself frustrated or confused, please ask for some feedback. Reviewing your notes is a good idea as well.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

11-11 IMD I - Animation Begins

We're going to start blocking and animating our digital comics. We will start lab with a short review of layer masking.

I can't wait to see your completed work!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Zoiks! on() is GONE in CS3

Wow AS3 dumps alot of the code tools were used to using!

The truth of the matter is, ActionScript 3.0 is different, in many respects, from AS2 or 1. (As it happens, it’s also the same in many respects, which can be a source of frustration for experienced users, but chin up!) One of the most basic, familiar things people do in Flash is to assign some ActionScript to a button. In former versions of ActionScript, this could be done in a number of ways, as explained a bit in “Museum Pieces: on() and onClipEvent().” In AS3, the rules have changed. There were at least four ways to handle events in the past — on() and onClipEvent(), dot notation, addListener(), and addEventListener() — and AS3 mercifully reduces those four down to one consistent approach. Honestly, this makes it easier.
Here’s how it goes. Let’s say you have a button symbol on the Stage. Select it, give it an instance name in the Property inspector. Now that it has an instance name, it has become accessible to ActionScript, which now has a unique way of identifying it from any other objects present. In a keyframe script (select a keyframe in line with the button, preferably a keyframe on its own layer), type the following:

function(evt:MouseEvent):void {
trace("I've been clicked!");

And that’s it. Why not select the button itself? What’s wrong with good old on()? For better or worse, direct attachment of code is a thing of the past. ActionScript 3.0 simply doesn’t support it. In fact, you’ll notice that the Behaviors panel is dimmed when a FLA’s Publish Settings are configured for AS3. Why? Because Behaviors rely on on() or onClipEvent(). Change your Publish Settings to AS2 or 1, they come back.

11-10 IMD II - Production Time

You'll need to wrap up your menu this week. Start thinking about audio (ambient and sfx) flashkit and soundbooth loops are a great place to start looking.

We will do a quick review in class and then spend the rest of lab working on ires. Make sure you post!

11-10 IMD I - Ready, set, animate

Wrap up all the details in lab today so we can start your final animation tommorow.

Photograph your sketches in the first part of 3rd hour and clean them up in photoshop. Put a copy on your blog. While your waiting for the scans to be copied to :


Work on any last bits of illustration work. This project is going to be a big portfolio piece so make sure you have solid illustration.

check out for a great animation tutorial.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

10-5 IMD I - Continue with your tracing!

Lets get these new cartoon figures illustrated! You'll also need to start storyboarding the digital "comic strip" your going to animate. It's a good idea to keep it simple to start. Start reading the comics in the dispatch or go online to get help with ideas.

You will need to storyboard 3-5 frames with dialogue. You will also need to sketch a background that you will use in your comic.

The storyboard and background sketch is due Friday!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Long lab for ires today, post to get credit for your work in class.

11-4 IMD I - Production Time

We'll spend the day working on a few stray projects. We also have plenty of work to do on our new flash illustration.

Make sure you keep layers organized, and plan for animation down the road.

Monday, November 3, 2008

11-3 IMD II - Wrapping it up

In lab today: combine your hey d verse with the group into a main timeline. Your work needs to be submitted today for this project.

I would also like each student to turn in their flash file with the completed movie clip to:


After you have the heyd clip turned in work on your interactive resume

11-3 IMD I - Scanning

We're going to scan sketches today and start the tracing process.

Here's a short video I shot over the weekend, Enjoy!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

10-30 IMD I - We're getting out the sorting hat!

OK, its not the potter-esque hat were all thinking about. But we are going to be looking at a personality assessment tool.

1. Please visit and take the KTS-II (Upper right hand corner) You will need to provide basic info (use an assumed name and email to protect your identity and inbox from spam)

2. After you take the test, record your personality temperament and return to the Keirsey home page and read the overview for your personality temperament?

3. Write a 1/2 page reaction to what you found. Do you agree with the results? Each temperament is further divided into different categories, where do you think you fall?

We will also be reviewing layer masks in flash!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

10-29 IMD II - Hey there its due!

Finish you verse animations - watch the videos from yesterday to learn how to prep your file.

part 1 - organize text and import audio

part 2 - format to turn in

10-29 IMD I - Layer Masks

Sorry I'm out again. But I've left a video of layer masking that I hope everyone can get. Watch the video and then try to duplicate the samples below. Save your work so I can give you credit tommorow.

New flash content! Learn how to layer mask!

After you view the video create these samples:

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

IMD II - Flash Music Video Walkthrough and Cheat Codes

level I - doc setup and text animation

Level II - format your mc for combining with the other clips

10-28 IMD II - Flash Video Wrap UP!

Long lab today, no interruptions. Finish your hey d. video, you will have long labity lab today and a short lab tommorow.

Make sure you have the following details ready:

Name your movie clip verse x frames x-xx (ex. verse 1 frames 120-350)

Remove all of the frames except for your verse, making sure you label the start frame and remove the audio layer.

NOTE: There is a modified version of the mp3 (in the folder. This one will work in flash.

10-28 IMD I - Submit Dr. Scott

1. Get white label from the front desk. Write your first and last name Clearly and Legibly on the white label. Place your label in the box by my Desk.

2. Complete and turn in Dr. Scott - look at yesterdays post for details.

3. Dr. Scott complete and you still have time in lab? Work on your illustration due tomorrow in class.

Forgot how to save to drop box? Here's a video review.

Monday, October 27, 2008

10-27 IMD II - Hey Deliaha

Lab - work on you flash video, focus, get it done!

3rd hour - pre production for the sauce video shoot friday.

10-27 IMD I - Scott Talks!

Here's a highly caffeinated demo of Dr. Scott talking

Submitting Dr Scott

Turn in a flash file to


The file should contain the following two movie clips.

1. Completed movie clip of Dr. Scott shaking clipboard and shaking test tube arm (name the clip movearm)

2. Completed movie clip of Dr. Scott talking head “secret formula” (name the clip talk)

Optional Bonus Points for the following:

1. Completed background art

2. Completed Witch Doctor

3. Animated sequence with Dr. Scott and Witch Doctor

3rd hour - Review cartoon homework.

Cartoon Drawing Links

Drawing Fluffy Clouds!


Create sketches of your character for your cartoon strip.

Make sure you illustrate the following concepts:

Front View

Side View

2 mouth states

4 points of rotation

Expression with eyes

How does your character move?

Friday, October 24, 2008

10-24 IMD I - Finishing up Dr. Scott adding a voice

We'll continue building working dr scott models and also add a voice to Dr. Scott!

3rd hour - How about a board game?

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Dr. Scott!

10-23 IMD II - Flash Music Video Text Animation

HOMEWORK: Develop the storyboard page for for verse or chorus.

This assignment is due tommorow in class. If your storyboard is not ready you will not be able to participate in the activity. Completing this project is dependant on having the art done and ready for class.

10-23 IMD I - Great Scott and Fluffly Clouds!

Great job with animation today! I'm impressed with your skills.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

10-22 IMD II - IRES and audio production

First.. this is just scary.. This photo is from a real bag of broccoli, wait for it.... wait for it....

View the blog here

Do you see it? Little faces everywhere.... Sounds like a graphic designer who's a little bored.

Continue with your ires, make sure you post. Eat your broccoli!


10-22 IMD I - Homework Roundup! YeeeHa!

Howdy partners today we'll need to collect homework. Please turn in the following assignments:

1. TCPIP pop quiz
2. TCPIP questions
3. Wanda Drawing

We'll use the rest of lab to work on Dr. Scott animation.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

10-21 IMD II - IRES and PTI

Post your completed work at the end of rotation!

10-21 IMD I - Putting it all together.

Short lecture today and time to compose your Dr. Scott animation.

Monday, October 20, 2008

10-20 IMD I and II - Outch!

I ran in the Columbus 1/2 marathon on Sunday. The race went very well and I met my goal of completing the race under 2 1/2 hours.

A minor injury is going to keep me home today, but I'll be back tomorrow. You assignments are below, make sure you post today's work to your blog so I can see the progress you made.


Last chance to complete Dr. Scott. Complete the tracing and create symbols for the left arm, body, and right hand. I will be taking the final tracing grade from the work you post today. If you've completed the tracing create a tropical background that we'll use behind Dr. Scott and the Witch Doctor.


Continue with interactive resume. I want to see completed art for the current menu by mid week - it's time to kick it in. I'm expecting to see lots of NEW work on you post today.

3rd Hour IMD I and II

TCP, IP, DNS, Streaming Media. It's all geek speak that we should know. Read the article and watch the video to learn more about these terms and how they work.

Have your answers ready for tommorow - we will have a discussion in class tommorow(and a pop quiz... :-)


and watch the video and read the article to answer the questions below:

What is an octet?

How many unique values can be contained in one octet?

List two restricted IP addresses

What is the loopback address and what is it used for?

What are the 6 classes of IP address and what are they used for?

What does TCP IP stand for?

What does TCP do?

What does IP do?

Why do we break information down into packets?

What makes a valid IP address?

What is DNS?

How big is a packet?

What is the shipping address for a packet called?

What information is included in this address?

How is streaming video unique?

Have a great day!!

att link

Thursday, October 16, 2008

10-16 IMD II - flickr setup and blogger mod

1. Setup a flickr account, make sure to record your user name and password.

2. Create a link list on your blog, add the following headings:

x misc. 1
x misc. 2
x misc. 3
x video 1
x video 2
x audio 1
x audio 2
x web 1
x web 2
x after effects 1
x after effects 2
x 3d 1
x 3d 2
x flash 1
x flash 2
x photoshop 1
x photoshop 2
x creative 1
x creative 2
x creative 3

Link to at least one flickr image to test the posting.

10-16 IMD I - Dr.Scott

Review of animation and troubleshooting techniques in class.

A shockwave game for thrid hour!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

10-15 IMD I - Symbols and Animation in Flash

Let's animate Dr.Scott! Get the questions in notes asap, we have a tough lecture today.

Video Review - Fixing problems in flash

Symbols and Animation Questions
1. What are symbols and how are they used?

2. List two methods to turn lines and shapes into a graphic, moveclip, or button?

3. How is a movieclip symbol different than a graphic symbol?

4. How do you change the pivot point for a symbol?

5. How do you open or close a symbol?

6. How can you tell if you are nested inside a symbol?

7. What properties can you control if an object is selected on the stage?

8. What properties can you control if an object is selected on the timeline?

9. How do you insert a keyframe?

10. How many objects can you have on a layer where you are going to animate?

11. List the steps to create a motion tween animation in flash

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


Continue with your interactive resume, make sure to post your progress at the end of your long lab today.

Have a great day!

I'll see everyone tomorrow.


10-14 IMD I - Finish Dr. Scott

Behave yourselves to day I'm expecting to hear that your were hardworking and quiet.

John and Ben that means be very quiet!

Continue with the Dr. Scott illustration. Remember no LUMPS in your lines! I'm going to be very picky about those details. If you finish Dr. Scott work on the witch doctor in the same drawing.

Post your progress on your blog at the end of long lab today.

Have a great day I'll see everyone tomorrow!


Monday, October 13, 2008

10-13 IMD II - Interactive Resume and Creative Workshop

1 lab of interactive resume and 3rd hour creative workshop.

3rd hour - Portfolio Drawing

You will need to create a minimum of three portfolio drawings for your interactive resume and portfolio book. You will need to create one for next week. This assignment is weighted as three creative workshops.

10-13 IMD I - Continue with Dr.Scott!

Continue with your Dr.Scott illustration.

Make sure your blog is in working order and that you have posted you warmup tracing from last week.

Friday, October 10, 2008

10-10 IMD II - IRES

Lab time to continue with your interactive resume.

3rd hour: Binary review and audio production article

Answer the following question from the article:

What range of frequencies are detectable to the human ear?

Define Audio

Audio production involves what four elements of audio?

List 10 careers in audio and list a local company for six of the career fields

List three careers that need to have an understanding of audio production concepts

A person rings a bell and another person hears the sound. Draw a diagram of how this sound is created, transmitted, and received by a human

What is a waveform

Is sound two dimensional or three dimensional?

How do variations in sound pressure correlate to a waveform diagram?

Illustrate the difference between wavelength, amplitude, and frequency.

Diagram in phase, 180deg out of phase, and different wave and how they interact.

Define transducer

Define amplifier

Define signal processor

Diagram the 3 part model as described in the article.

10-10 IMD I - Illustrating in flash

Warmup - trace the simple shapes in simpleshapes2 file in my folder. Screen cap your work and post to your blog!

Short review on the lecture yesturday.

In LAB - after you complete the warmup continue with the Dr. Scott illustration. I'm looking for smooth clean lines!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

10-9 IMD II - IRES Continues

Lab time for Interactive Resume, make sure you post each day!


Yes, another classic - ranked alongside favorites such as angle snap and undo the pen tool is a classic illustration tool.

1. Describe the steps to trace a path with the pen tool.

2. What is a bezier curve?

3. How do you know where to place the control points?

4. When creating curved shapes how many points should you draw?

DUE TODAY (Turn in by my workstation)

Binary to 100

Photographic History Questions


1. Trace the simple shapes after demo

2. Trace Dr. Scott (source files found in students/public/fitzer/imdi/flash)

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

IMD I and II - FLC Trip

Here's a link to the pics and videos from our trip.






10-8 IMD I and II - Just for fun!

Sadly no real lab today, but we are going on our first field trip of the 2008-2009 school year!

Here a video from a creative workshop activity earlier this year "Godzilla makes a sandwich" improv - Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

10-7 IMD I - Flash Forward and the Blogosphere!

Part 1

Were still waiting for a little max upgrade so were going to move forward and work with our next application ADOBE FLASH!

Don't wory max fans, we will be continuing with 3D modeling several times through the year!

1. What are the following shortcuts in flash


R (again)


O (again)



2. What is the difference between a primitive rectangle and a rectangle?

3. What is the difference between a primitive oval and an oval?

Part 2

Blogger Account Setup!

Monday, October 6, 2008

10-7 IMD II - Interactive Resume Documentation

Set an account at You will use this blog to show the progress of your interactive resume work. Each day you work on you ires post a quick journal of what you completed and show visual evidence of your work. Your in class grade will be generated from these posts so make sure you spend 5 minutes each day blogging.

Poor Example:

Daily Grade: F

The blog post showed no evidence that anything was actually completed. The post should be specific about what was done and what software tools were used.

Good Example:

Daily Grade: A

The post talks about specific details of what the student did while in lab, and shows an image of what they worked on.

10-6 IMD I - Stickman continued..

Warmup .... count to 100 in binary (on paper!)

Turn in baby drawings..

Continue working on stickman!

We will also be talking about our last 3D project.

3rd hour

History of photography

Photographic History

1. Photography is derived from the Greek words ____________ and ______________

2. What year did photography become a public process?

3. Photography initially combined what two technologies?

4. Modern day photography combines what two technologies? (this question is not found in the reading)

5. What is a camera obscura?

6. What does camera obscura mean?

7. What developments in chemistry provided the foundation for the photographic process?

8. How long did it take to create an image with Niepce and Deguerre system?

9. Why did the exposure take so long?

10. How did photography influence history?

11. Write a very simple history of how the chemical photography process works and how does it combine the idea of the camera obscura and the chemical process.

Friday, October 3, 2008

10-3 IMD I - Animation Continues

Open studet/public/fitzer/imdI/stickman.max

Group and link the character so it can be animated. The overall parent group should be the hip area. After grouping, adjusting pivot points, and linking make 3 copies of stickman and animating the following:

walk in place (5 steps)

run in place

jump up and down in place

You will have one lab to complete this activity.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

10-2 IMD II – Wrapping up the six weeks

I’m missing a lot of work from students and the six weeks is almost over.

Please re-submit the following projects:

Copy and paste to students/dropbox/fitzer/imdII/ae

Ansel Adams Quote Animation - filename: last_first_aaq.avi

After Effects Bumper 1 - filename: last_first_ae1.avi

After Effects Bumper 2 - filename: last_first_ae2.avi

Copy and paste to students/dropbox/fitzer/imdII/ir

Interactive Resume Main Menu Sketch - filename: last_first_ir1.jpg

Interactive Resume Portfolio Sketch - filename: last_first_ir2.jpg

Interactive Resume Resume Sketch - filename: last_first_ir3.jpg

Interactive Resume Summary Sketch - filename: last_first_ir4.jpg

Interactive Resume Narrative Doc - filename: last_first_irn.doc

10-2 IMD I – Animation Practice

re-create the animation samples I’ve posted here:

Note: You don't have to model the next video! It's just a test of a teacher tube feature.

after you’ve finished these animations, start working on animating a few elements in your SRC.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

10/1 IMD I - More Animation

Our lecture on animation and linking continues! Get your notes ready!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

9/30 IMD I - Animation and Linking in 3DS Max

Story time (juice box not included)

Basic Animation in 3D Studio Max

1. One second of time is divided into how many steps?

2. What are these steps called?

3. What button turns on the animation feature of 3DS max?

4. What are the three steps for basic animation in 3DS max?

5. What are the dots called that are created on the timeline?

6. Can you move and delete the dots on the timeline?

7. Is the preview real time?

8. How do you add more frames to your animation?

9. How do you display a selected area of your timeline?

10. How do you open the curve editor?

11. What is the curve editor?

12. how do you adjust keyframes?

13. How do you unlink Bezier handles?

Basic Hierarchical Linking

14. What does hierarchical mean?

15. How do you change the pivot point for a shape or group?

16. How do you link two shapes together?

Monday, September 29, 2008

9-29 IMD II - Wrap it up!

Okay, I've been gone for several days. I want to make sure everyone has their work done. Wrap up the details in lab today. I'll be collecting ires sketches and the after effects tutorials tommorow.


9-29 IMD I and II - Creative Workshop

Grid Drawing views A, B and C are due next Monday.

9-29 IMD I - Packet work DUE TODAY!

It's good to be back!

1. Please prepeare the work you completed while I was gone. Render the following images:

Gear ( last_first_gear.jpg )

tbar (the other shape on the gear page) ( last_first_tbar.jpg )

2 views of the castle shapes ( last_first_cs1.jpg , last_first_cs2.jpg )

4 views of your "on your own" assignment ( last_first_oyo1.jpg, last_first_oyo2.jpg, ...)

This is a total of 8 rendered images

Save as the file names above and copy and paste to students/dropbox/imdI/ss2

Please refer to your previous notes on how to render and copy paste files to dropbox

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

9/24 – 9/26 IMD II - After Effects 2 30 second bumper package

Create two 30 second compositions using the storyboards from class yesterday. You will need to demonstrate 5 new techniques in what you create (you will present these to class as your tutorials when I return on Monday)

Choose one of the following themes for your bumper pack

Grove City Wrestling

You business identity from Mr.D’s class

IMDJ radio

Your project will need to be completed by MONDAY

9/23 IMD II - Bumper Package Storyboard

Develop a detailed storyboard for the two compositions you will create over the next three days.

9/24 – 9/26 IMD I Construction time again!

1. Model the sample shapes from the packet, work on one page each day so they are complete for Monday. Save your work!
(sample files are saved in students/public/fitzer/IMD1/subplan.ppt)

2. Choose one of the following “on your own” assignments.

Castle Redux – You’ve learned powerful new tools to build a powerful new castle. Build a new fortress and add textures ( is a great place to look for stone walls and other cool materials)

CityScape – Build a city from an existing skyline or create one from your imagination. You’ll need to create quite a few buildings to make it look good! Try creating your own textures. What type of structures will we find in your city, office buildings, apartment buildings, parking garages, houses, etc.

9/23 IMD I – Bitmap Textures and UVW mapping Continued

1. Complete the mapping and texture handout

2. Complete the polygon and UVW mapping activity.
Students/public/fitzer/imd1/edit poly and bitmap textures.ppt (powerpoint file)

Monday, September 22, 2008

9/22 IMD II – After Effects Tutorials Continued

Develop a 3-5 minute lesson that answers 5 questions about after effects.

3rd Hour – Present 5 questions, make sure to take notes on the techniques.

9/22 IMD I – Bitmap Textures and Raytraced Reflection

Construct the picture frame

1. What does the polygon sub object button look like?

2. What does the ignore backfacing option do?

3. What is the difference between moving and extruding selected polygons?

Creating a bitmap texture

4. What do you select to add a bitmap texture to material?

5. Describe the steps to make a bitmap texture

UVW map

6. What is a UVW map

7. How do you apply a UVW map to a shape?

Raytraced Reflection

8. Describe the steps for adding a raytraced reflection to a material

Friday, September 19, 2008

9/19 IMD II – After Effects and Sketch Time

In lab – spend the hour researching and working on an after effects tutorial from creative or

I will want to see your progress on Monday.

3rd Hour – Work on the revisions to your ires sketches we talked about yesterday. Make sure you read the assignment posted last week on the schedule.

9/19 IMD I – MAX QUIZ and Basic Texture

Max QUIZ – I hope you studied!

Basic Textures Lecture

Now that we’ve learned how to create simple shapes in max it’s time to add some simple texture.

73. How do you open the material editor?

74. What is ambient light?

75. What is diffuse light?

76. What is specular light?

77. How do you control the color of a texture?

78. How do you make a texture transparent?

79. How do you make a texture faceted (like a disco ball)

80. How do you make a texture wire frame (there are 2 steps to this question)

81. How do you make a texture self luminous?

82. How do you make a texture look shinny and reflective?

83. What are two ways to attach a material to an object?

3rd hour: Save a copy of your SRC project and add simple textures render a descriptive view and save in your folder. If you have time try building creating different versions with different color schemes.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

9/18 IMD I – Cameras and Rendering Continued

Use the information from yesterday to render 4 camera views of your model

Use Photoshop to combine the images in a 1024x768 image add your name in the corner.

This project is due today.

Submitting your work:

Save a copy of your photoshop file as a jpeg

Name the file lastname_firstname.jpg
Example fitzer_franz.jpg

copy and paste the file to students/dropbox/fitzer/IMDI/SRC

open my computer icon on the desktop

drop the top dialog box and select you login folder right click on the file and select copy

drop the top dialog box again and select the student drive and the appropriate drop box file.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

9/17 IMD II - After Effects DOF continued

A good photograph is knowing where to stand. Ansel Adams

Short after effects lecture

add the following to notes:

V - move

W - Rotate

P (with layer selected) - position

S (with layer selected) - Scale


Short lecture on camera setup and rendering tools.

1. Where do you find camera tools in 3DS max?

2. How do you select a camera in a viewport?

3. What type of camera should you use?

4. Sketch the render setup icon and the render production icon

5. What are the three things that need to be set in the render setup dialog box




6. What are the steps for rendering an image?




3DS Max test on FRIDAY

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

9/16 IMD II – 3D Text Composition Using After Effects

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept. Ansel Adams

Animate the individual words of the Ansel Adams quote in 3D space using depth of field to create an interesting composition.

Make sure you demonstrate knowledge of the following concepts:

3D Text
Anchor Point
Camera Objects
Focal Length

Manage your time! Your assignment is due at the end of lab.

9/16 IMD I - SRC continued

Keep studying your notes, your quiz is this week!

Friday, September 12, 2008

9/12 IMD I - SRC and Internet History

Continue with your SRC project.

Answer the following questions from the three videos in class:

1. How long has the internet been in existence?

2. When was radio invented?

3. When was tv invented?

4. How is radar related to the internet?

5. Who did the us government hire to research decentralizing radar communication?

6. How did they complete this task?

7. After the work with decentralizing radar station information, what university was asked to continue developing the technology?

8. What was their program called?

9. What geographic region did the radar monitor?

10. What is ARPANET

11. How many computers were attached to this network in 1969?

12. Why was ARPANET so valuable?

13. Who is Tim Berners Lee and what did he do?

13a. What problem did he want to solve?

14. Where did he work?

15. How many host computers on the internet in 1989?

16. What US representative made the internet available for public use?

History of Dig. Com.

1. When was the first email sent

2. When were the first packets sent on the ARPANET

3. When were mailing lists first introduced?

4. What is a BBS

5. What were BBS’s used for?

6. Who programmed the first BBS and when?

7. When was usenet introduced?

8. Usenet was a precursor to what technology we use today?

9. What is a MUD

10. When was the first emoticon used and what was it?

11. What is minitel and why is it related to online chat?

12. Who invented wikipedia?

13. What percentage of Americans are connected to the internet?

14. What did newscorp pay for myspace?

1. What is a I D TEN T error?

Thursday, September 11, 2008

9/11 IMD II - IRES concept presentation

ASSIGNMENT: Interactive Resume Concept Presentation

Prepare a 2-5 minute presentation to the class that will share the overall plan of your interactive resume.

Answer the following question in your presentation:

Describe how your “world” works. What are the forces behind what we see? What are the motivations of the characters?

1. Why is your “world” an interesting place to visit?

2. Submit the following in the folder provided

Turn in the following in the provided binder:

1. Detail sketches of the main menu, portfolio, resume, summary menus

2. Reference images for each menu drawing.

3. Reference sketches for each menu drawing.

4. Label each of the menu sketches to describe sounds and layers that will be used for animation

5. Write a one page narrative that answers the questions above.

The presentation is due on Monday the 29th.

Two menu sketches are due Thursday the 18th

The remaining sketches are due Wednesday the 24th

9-11 IMD I - SRC Continued

Continue working on your SRC project. Remember to work on small detials!

DUE TODAY: SRC sketch and resource images.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

9-10 IMD I - SRC continued

Assignemnt Due: SRC concept sketches

In Lab: Start modeling your spaceship, robot, or castle.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

9/8 IMD II – Visual Artifacts and Composition

Lecture and discussion over the assigned article from yesterday

Lab time to finish collecting images (50 minutes)

9/8 IMD I – Navigation POP QUIZ! And SRC PROJECT

SRC Project

Ok, now that we’ve learned some of the tools in 3D Studio Max lets put them to work with a creative project.

You’re going to design and model a Robot, Space Ship, or Castle (maybe all three!)

First you’ll need some reference information, images from other artists or from actual life. These images will help you add “real” details to your project. Collect images online and copy and paste into powerpoint (ech) print your reference images when your done.

With your reference images in hand start sketching, remember you only have access to the simple shapes so build complex shapes from simple ones. You’ll be amazed what you can create with them. Draw you idea a couple of times, remember were working in 3D and you should draw you creations from different angles (top, front, and side are smart choices) When the sketches are completed show them to me, and get started in 3DS.
You’ll have 4-5 hours in lab to complete the assignment.

Happy modeling!


Monday, September 8, 2008

9/7 IMD II – Collecting Visual Artifacts

Use today to continue your search. A good search will add bullets to your inspiration web diagram.

DUE TOMMOROW: 200 artifacts

REMINDER: You will need your sketchbook tomorrow in lab!

HOMEWORK: Read the article learning composition

Answer the following questions from the article:

Describe the characteristics of an image photographed with a small aperture

Describe the characteristics of an image photographed with a large aperture

How can you draw interest to a specific part of an image?

How do people often scan a photograph?

What is the rule of thirds and why do we use it to compose an image?

What should you take into consideration with background middle-ground and foreground when composing an image.

Use this information to answer the questions below:

NOTE: Each camera and lens system will vary, dslr bodies also commonly use half and one third steps for exposure

Apertures available on the lens
2.8 4 5.6 8 11 16 22

Shutter speeds available on the camera
1000 - 500 - 250 - 125 - 60 - 30 - 15 - 8 - 4 - 2 - 1 - B

What is the largest aperture available on the lens?

What is the B shutter setting for?

Which aperture setting makes a larger opening inside the lens f/2.8 or f/22

Stopping down from f/8 to f/11 will let more or less light into the lens?

If you camera meters at f/8 @ 1/60 what would the equivalent exposure at f/5.6?

If you camera meters at f/5.6 @ 1/30 what would the equivalent exposure at f/2.8?

If you camera meters at f/4 @ 1/15 what would the equivalent exposure at 1/30?

If you camera meters at f/22 @ 1/2 what would the equivalent exposure at 1/250?

9/7 IMD I – Constructing Simple Shapes (continued)

Use time in lab to complete as many of the simple shape drawings as possible.


You will have a test next week over all of the 3DS material we have covered.

DUE TODAY: Simple Shapes Drawing

Thursday, September 4, 2008

9/5 IMD II – Visual Artifacts

It’s time to start researching the little details that make a great interactive resume. Use flickr to find detailed images of the content you generated in you concept map. Save these images to unique folders to keep the information sorted.

Collect 200 artifacts by Tuesday

9/5 IMD I – Constructing Simple Shapes

Continue working on the simple shapes packet. Pay attention to the small details and make sure you match proportion of the shapes.

Keep your notes out as you work and try to use all of the tools and techniques we have talked about in lecture.

I will be giving a test over the 3DS Max Notes in a week, make sure you spend some time each day reviewing your notes. You will need to answer questions and demonstrate techniques using 3DS.

I will be collecting this assignment on Monday.

9/4 IMD II Assignment Due: Concept Map

Turn in before end of lab today.

9/4 IMD II – Concept Mapping Continued

1. Wrap up your concept map

Make sure you are focusing on the details from your center point

I’m not looking for specifics about your resume! Keep your ideas very general!

After completing your concept map, show it to me so we can critique and grade.

2. Start collecting visual artifacts from the points on your map, use and other image sources. Make sure you save the images to a unique folder.

9/4 IMD I – 3DS Creating Simple Models

Warm-up: Login and launch 3DS and create a stack of 7 primitive shapes

In Class: Build the simple shapes from the handouts; try to make them look exactly like the illustrations.

Take notes on the lecture / demonstration and answer the following questions:

1. How do you copy a shape?

2. What is the difference between a copy and an instance?

How will scaling a shape affect an instance?

How will changing the height, width, and length affect an instance?

3. How do you group shapes?

4. What is the difference between ungroup, open, and explode?

5. How do you make a selection set?

6. How can you change primitive shapes with the modify menu?

7. How do you select multiple shapes?

As a Group: Commonalities and Uniquities activity.

Are you ahead of the curve? Try working on this “above and beyond” assignment:

Create one or more of the following models, use your imagination to add detail:

Create a snowman (thanks to Harley for the idea!)

Build a simple house or building

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

9/3 IMD II - Concept Map

It’s time to start shaping your ideas into an interactive resume.

Create a concept map using inspiration add at least 150 points to the map, this should be from your strongest map, or be a hybrid of all three.

After you’ve completed this task start finding resource images from the points on your concept map. This process should inspire more points to be added as you do your visual research. Try for detail images of just about anything. Create a folder and divide into specific sub folders to organize your visual content. If you are unable to find enough content you might want to think about a different direction on you ires.

9/3 IMD I - 3D Studio Max 2009 Navigation



Please find a seat in the FRONT of the Class!

Grab a pair of headphones and a 3DS max navigation handout on the way in.

Login and open 3D studio Max 2009.

Watch and take notes on the first two learning 3d studio max videos ]

Answer the questions using your notes.

When you’ve completed the navigation handout work on the simple shapes puzzles, save your work to your login folder.

Navigation handout:

3DS MAX 2009 navigation control basics Name _____________________

Watch the essential skills movies 1 and 2 and use your notes to answer the following questions.

How do you maximize a viewport?

What is a viewcube?

How do you open the steering wheels?

How do you close the steering wheels?

How do you display wireframe mode?

How do you display wireframe edges?

How do you open the quad menu?

How do you activate the move tool with the keyboard?

How do you activate the rotate tool with the keyboard?

How do you activate the scale tool with the keyboard?

How do you constrain movement to a specific axis?

How do you constrain movement to two axes?

How do you pan the current window with your mouse?

How do you zoom the current view with your mouse?

How do you move an object exactly 10 units on the x axis?

How do you constrain rotation to 5 degree increments?

How do you use a spinner?

How do you use the keyboard to select the top view?

How do you use the keyboard to select the front view?

How do you use the keyboard to select the left view?

How do you arc rotate a view with keyboard and mouse?