Wednesday, September 30, 2009

IMD II - Expert Work Today

John may be completely wrong about computing platforms, but he is dead on as far as blueprint sites are concerned.

Awesome! Check it out!

IMD I - Getting ready for the 6 weeks review

The end of the first 6 weeks is this Friday. You'll need to create the following link in the side bar of your blog:

1st 6 weeks portfolio
Introduction to Audio Questions
Castle Render 1
Castle Render 2
Castle Render 3
Castle Render 4
Robot Render 1
Robot Render 2
Raytrace Frame

I will be doing a notebook check Monday, this grade is worth 100 points.

SAD NEWS: We exceeded bandwidth on the podcast site, the link doesn't work any more :-( I'm looking for a new hosting solution.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

IMD II - Independent Study Posts Need More Detail

I took a look at the posts from yesterday and they are missing allot of detail. I only found three posts that really documented what they were going to do with the time available (Cottrell, Brown, Saucedo - Good Job!)

Please answer the following questions about your IS.

1. Describe what you will create for your presentation on Monday. You will be presenting your work to the class in a 2-3 minute presentation.

2. Describe what you hope to learn with this assignment. Be specific.

3. What resources are you going to use?

ASSIGNMENT: Answer the questions in a google doc, print the doc and bring it to me to be checked off TODAY before you start working. You will turn this page in on Monday at the time of your presentation.

car tut

IMD I - You've Been Framed!

We'll practice creating a bitmap material and a raytraced material in max by creating a picture frame. I would like you to create at least one frame, many students will have time to create several. Make sure you get the dimensions (in pixels) of the image you're going to use and make the box primitive the appropriate size. You can always uniform scale the shape as necessary.

ASSIGNMENT: Create a minimum of one frame, place the frame on a raytraced table top. Create a camera looking at the frame. Render the image and post it to your blog.

Texture Basics Lecture

Monday, September 28, 2009

IMD II - Low Poly review

We're going to look at the construction techniques for the low poly character in lab today.

IMD I - texture review, creating a simple picture frame

We will be looking at textures again and creating a picture frame.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Good Morning!

This is the view from the roof of my cousins apartment. They have a great view of the Empire State Building! The large wood structure on the right side of the frame is a water tank for the building.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Greetings from NYC

I'm a little concerned to see several people didn't post to their blogs. NO POST NO CREDIT

The glass apple cube goes underground to an amazing apple store!

-- Posted from my iPhone

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

IMD I (Thursday and Friday)

You will need to complete the following activities over the next two days:

1. Open you castle file and save it with a new name. Open the renamed file and add texture to the model. Make sure you use the mapscaler modifier to scale the textures you have applied. Don't go nuts with bold color. Make sure the amazing geometry you created is not overpowered by texture.

2. Complete and post your audio activity from earlier this week.

If you have extra time add texture to your robot model and post rendered images to your blog.

TO RECEIVE CREDIT YOU MUST MAKE A POST ON THURSDAY AND ANOTHER POST ON FRIDAY SHOWING PROOF OF WHAT YOU DID IN LAB. Screen cap or render your work and post at least one image. Write a two to three sentence description of what completed.

IMD II (Thursday and Friday)

You have three activities to complete while I'm gone:

1. Complete the low poly character tutorial packet. The tutorial is also available in the Max help menu. You will need the blue reference images above for the project. These are saved in the public/students/fitzer/low_polygon_modeling folder.

2. Complete the Audio reading / questions post here:

3. Post a rendered image of your chess set on your blog.

TO RECEIVE CREDIT YOU MUST MAKE A POST ON THURSDAY AND ANOTHER POST ON FRIDAY SHOWING PROOF OF WHAT YOU DID IN LAB. Screen cap or render your work and post at least one image. Write a two to three sentence description of what completed.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

IMD I - Get Your Robots Ready!

This will be the last day for robot construction. Tommorow we start adding textures.

Monday, September 21, 2009

IMD II - pro textures, mental ray, and scale.

Get ready for notes, there is a lot to cover!

Look at the following examples of the mental ray rendering engine in Max

Frosted blue and clear glass 1 side of reflection

Frosted blue and clear glass 6 sides of reflection

Mental Ray Daylight on white standard texture

Audio Production Basics part 1

As we start working with audio production we need to look at the basics of sound theory. Please read the following article:

(there are several pages) Answer the questions in a word document, then post the questions and answers to your blog.

Add an audio diagram page to your table of contents in your composition book, you will draw several diagrams and illustrations in this assigment.

This assignment must be posted to your blog BEFORE FRIDAY

You will need to use google to answer question 4 and 5.

1. What range of frequencies are detectable to the human ear?

2. Define Audio

3. Audio production involves what four elements of audio?

4. List 10 careers in audio and list a local company for six of the career fields

5. List three careers that need to have an understanding of audio production concepts

6. A person rings a bell and another person hears the sound. Draw a diagram (in your composition book) of how this sound is created, transmitted, and received by a human

7. What is a waveform

8. Is sound two dimensional or three dimensional?

9. How do variations in sound pressure correlate to a waveform diagram?

10. Illustrate (in your composition book) the difference between wavelength, amplitude, and frequency.

11. Diagram (in your composition book) in phase, 180deg out of phase, and different wave and how they interact.

12. Define transducer

13. Define amplifier

14. Define signal processor

15. Diagram (in your composition book) the 3 part model as described in the article.

IMD I - Happy Monday

Today you will have lab time to work on your robot model. I will be grading blog and castles today!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

IMD II - Lab time for chess layout.

You chess models are due tomorrow! Use your time wisely.

IMD I - Robot / Space Ship Model

Your next assignment will be to create a robot or space ship model that you will use to create a fictitious comic book advertisement

take a look at this flickr searchs for ideas:

Comic Ads

Awesome Robots:

You will need to create a 6 5/8" x 10 1/4" comic book advertisement for your "mail order" robot or space ship.

IMD I 2D - 3D conversion practice

Good Morning!

Start lab by transferring your 3D navigation notes to your composition book. (pages 1-2)

We'll continue with our 2D-3D conversion practice in lab.

NOTE: Castle projects are due tomorrow! Make sure you've posted your 4 camera pics and answers to the questions to your blog. You'll be receiving a grade for your blog (50 points) and the castle project (100 points).

Your Robot Model Assignment will follow in the next post!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

IMD II - Chess Evaluation

Today we will look at evaluating you chess models.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

IMD II - Wraping up the Chess Set

You will need to complete the knight over the next two days.

If your knight is complete you need to work on the texture and composition of the background in your scene. You will need to discuss composition and elements of design when this your project is submitted.

IMD I - Slice em up!

Create the drawing above using simple shapes, the slice option on the modify menu is key!

You need to know how to do the following, make sure you have the answers to the following questions in your notes:

1. How do you draw a closed line?

2. How do you extrude a closed line?

3. how do you draw a corner point?

4. How do you draw a curved point?

5. How do you convert a point type?

6. What is a vertex?

7. How do you move a vertex?

8. How do you fillet a vertex?

9. How do you outline a line?

Monday, September 14, 2009

IMD II - Lets talk about contrast.

Contrast is one the principles of design. Contrast occurs when two elements are different. The greater the difference the greater the contrast. The key to working with contrast is to make sure the differences are obvious. Four common methods of creating contrast are by using differences in size, value, color, and type.

We will be talking about the element of color and how it can be used to add contrast. I'll want you to place an emphasis on this value when designing texture for your chess set.

Look at the following images and discuss the role of color and contrast.

Imd I

We ran out of time on Friday! Complete the Friday blog post work by the end of lab today.

-- Post From My iPhone

Friday, September 11, 2009

IMD I - Castles are DUE!

You will need to submit the following in a blog post before the end of the period.

1. Render 4 white camera views of your castle.

2. Answer the following questions in the same blog post.

What have you learned about 3D Modeling?

What has been your biggest challenge in 3D?

What would you do differently if you were to do your castle model over again?

Was your research sketch helpful?

3. Make sure you bring your concept sketch on Monday we will be scanning them.


to create a white texture:

M to open the materials editor

Select the gray box next to the diffuse label

Change the color to white

ctrl + A to select all in the file

hit the assign material to selection button to apply the material

To create a camera :

Go to the camera page (look for the camera icon)

use a target camera, hit C to change a view to camera view

Thursday, September 10, 2009

IMD II - It's a Knight not a Dragon (sorry Harley)

Get your knight on. Make sure you read the fine print.


Wrap up your castle design during lab, we will be creating cameras and rendering tomorrow!

-- Post From My iPhone

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

IMD I - 9.9.09 !

No lecture today, lab time for the Castle project.

I've added links to IMD I blogs. If your name is not listed you'll need to email me your blog address (copy and paste from the address bar) and your full name. Send the email to

Assignment Due FRIDAY: Customize (stickers, art, etc) the cover of your new composition book, make sure your name is visible on the cover.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

IMD II - Happy Tuesday!

Warm up: Please answer the following questions in your essential question google doc.

1. The following people might be good resources for me (Explain why they are good resources):

2. Some possible resources for research are:

3. How will family, community, or industry benefit from this project?

4. What skills or understanding do you expect to develop and demonstrate in this project?

In Lab:

We will look at constructing the knight by creating an editable mesh.

IMD I - I hope you had a great weekend!

We'll start class by your grading concept sketches and doing a little review of the construction and navigation tools.

We'll spend the rest of lab working on modeling the castle.

Friday, September 4, 2009

IMD I - 3DS images

Post a minimum of 2 rendered images from the box, weight, fence, stair assignment.

Answer the following question in the post:

What did you learn from this assignment?

IMD I - Blogging your work

We're going to learn how to render our work in 3Ds max and post it to your blog.

Please ask for help if you have been unable to create a blog or gmail account!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

IMD I - More Samples and SRC

Continue working on the sample drawings from yesterday.

If you were unable to create a gmail account or blogger account please see me during lab.

We will have 1/2 of the long rotation to work on the sample shapes, we will discuss our first 3D project (SRC) during the second half.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

IMD II - Capstone and 3D table and chairs

Today were going to work on your capstone planning and creating a 3d setting for your chess set.

IMD I - More 3d construction

After you have created the shapes on the first page, try the drawings below. Save each drawing to your folder.

1. box

2. weight

3. fence

4. stairs

Have you finished the three samples? Try building one of the following:

Cartoon House

Lego brick

Cartoon Primitive Character

3rd Hour

1. Use your gmail login to create a blogger account.

2. Create a blog that will be used for IMD - MAKE SURE YOU RECORD YOUR USERNAME PASSWORD and ADDRESS.

3. Choose a template with a side column.

4. Add a link list to the side column, create a link to the imd blog.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

IMD II - Blog format

Modify the side navigation in your blog to look like the sample link below

Add two link lists on the side bar (left or right)

The first link list will connect to your resume text, summary, and capstone planning page

The second link list will be used for your portfolio pieces. Make sure that you upload full resolution images to flickr.

If you can't access your old blogger account, you will need to create a new one. If your blog is not correctly listed on the imdatswca blog page email me a link using your new gmail account. Send the email to

By the end of lab:

1. Modify your blog - adding Capstone and Portfolio Link Lists

2. Link to your resume in google docs

3. Write and link to your summary statement in google docs

4. link to one portfolio pc on flickr, create a flickr account if necessary.

This assignment is worth 50 points. This assignment will be graded during the last 15 minutes of lab.

Bring your capstone planning page to class tomorrow!


More time for 3ds simple shapes and check in

-- Post From My iPhone