Monday, September 21, 2009

Audio Production Basics part 1

As we start working with audio production we need to look at the basics of sound theory. Please read the following article:

(there are several pages) Answer the questions in a word document, then post the questions and answers to your blog.

Add an audio diagram page to your table of contents in your composition book, you will draw several diagrams and illustrations in this assigment.

This assignment must be posted to your blog BEFORE FRIDAY

You will need to use google to answer question 4 and 5.

1. What range of frequencies are detectable to the human ear?

2. Define Audio

3. Audio production involves what four elements of audio?

4. List 10 careers in audio and list a local company for six of the career fields

5. List three careers that need to have an understanding of audio production concepts

6. A person rings a bell and another person hears the sound. Draw a diagram (in your composition book) of how this sound is created, transmitted, and received by a human

7. What is a waveform

8. Is sound two dimensional or three dimensional?

9. How do variations in sound pressure correlate to a waveform diagram?

10. Illustrate (in your composition book) the difference between wavelength, amplitude, and frequency.

11. Diagram (in your composition book) in phase, 180deg out of phase, and different wave and how they interact.

12. Define transducer

13. Define amplifier

14. Define signal processor

15. Diagram (in your composition book) the 3 part model as described in the article.

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