Tuesday, December 18, 2012


IMD I and II


Your site map and wireframes should be completed,  I should be back tomorrow, be prepared to share these in a formal presentation (practice for judging) the presentation will be worth a test grade and you will not have time to prepare tomorrow, so be ready.  I will be grading your presentation based on the bpa rubric.  just substitute wireframe for website.

Digital Media

You should be working on camera operation with D today.  You also need to create a shot list from your storyboard,  make sure to plan shots that re-create nationals:  students in professional dress, awards ceremony, competition, etc.  Make sure to look at the have to win list on the back board.

Computer Modeling

Start modeling a car exterior, create a bitmap that will be applied as a texture (use mapscaler, or uvw map modifiers to make the texture fit.) if you are unable to do this have the model and texture prepped for tomorrow.  Complete 1-2 car designs.

Computer Animation

Continue working on supplemental models (kiosk, vendor cart, entry arch, etc) also focus your efforts on a storyboard for the two minute animation.  This will guide what and how we model.  This step is very important.  Make sure to address run time of each shot in the storyboard.  This is critical for computer animation.  

The storyboard is due tomorrow. 

Monday, December 17, 2012


Unfortunately I picked up the flu thats going around.

Remember:  It's days like these that are going to determine who our winners are!  Don't slack because I'm not there!  I'm expecting to see significant work when I'm back.

Make sure to use google for any terms you need to define in this document.

Digital Media

Continue with storyboards,  they will need to be completed so we can start shooting when I'm back.

You can also do another animation in AE to mix up your day.


Complete the wireframe and site map, I'd also like to see new segments (3 per person)

3D Animation

Continue working on "outside the ride" elements.  these can include, but are not limited to:

Awning / Shade Structures

Ride Themed Turnstiles

Ride Themed wall sections (stone, brick, wood, etc. )

3D Modeling

Complete track system research and model the appropriate system for each coaster (specifically the chassis of the coaster and the appropriate wheels / rails / etc) .

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Digital Media

 You will need to generate a storyboard for your presentation   Make sure to include the following elements:

AE x3
Dolly Shot
Jib Shot

Answer the big questions: How are you telling the story?  What aspects of nationals are you going to address? What features of Indy are you going to showcase?

DO NOT SPEND TIME "SITTING AND THINKING" use time in lab to create a AE graphic for one of you aspects of nationals points.


Make sure you have SOLID CONCEPT and present it to me.  I want to see chapters! Referecnce images are very important collect lots of them.  Please check in with me for the next steps.

Minimum Due Today: Logo / Signature Graphic For Each Coaster


We will start out reviewing storyboards and wireframes,  segment content will be next

DUE TODAY:  3 segments per student (total of 9 per group) 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

IMD II - Personal Site DIVs and segments

Personal Portfolio Project   - 1st Term Pages


 q1.htm to specs below,   style.css to specs below, 7 additional pages for projects

css rules for #head    #leftcol  #rightcol  #footer   h1  h2 and p

Images in a folder called “images” saved as appropriate thumbnail and large resolution

q1.htm      IMD II first quarter Page

                Create an html page (q1.htm) and a style sheet (style.css)

                Construct the page with 4 divs (style rules must be in style.css not the html doc)

                                #head (1200x400)            #leftcol (600 x variable)                        #rightcol (600 x variable)       #footer (1200 x 250)

                Create segments in left and right DIVs with:

Image (prepare 1 at thumbnail resolution and one at full screen res optimized in PS)

Title (formatted with h1 tag) 

Application(s) used (formatted with h2 tag)

Short description that communicates one key element of what you learned from this project.   NOTE: Abstract ideas, “I learned a lot,” are not detailed enough! (Formatted with p tag)

Do this for each of the following projects:          

Glass chess

                Environment Chess


                Columbus Historic

                BPA Pin Design

                Logo Design

`              Capstone

                Extra credit:  A personal project from this year (max 2, 20 points each)


Create pages for each project with a large image and description.  Name each document the first three letters of the project name.  (Glass Chess = gla.htm)

Link each to style.css

Friday, November 30, 2012

Raspberry Pi

If your interested in learning more about progaming, hardware, and operating systems, you should check these out!  They cost $35 and will require a power adapter ($10 shipped from ebay) and a plastic case will help protect it. ($7-$20 ebay or amazon)

What’s a Raspberry Pi?

The Raspberry Pi is a credit-card sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It’s a capable little PC which can be used for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word-processing and games. It also plays high-definition video. We want to see it being used by kids all over the world to learn programming.


Thursday, November 29, 2012

IMD II - Checkpoint Chuck

I'm out this afternoon,  use your time to work on your site.  Remember we are wrapping these up this week.  Time is running out!

Chuck will be in to look at sites, submit your completed work at the end of long rotation to 28_chuck_chk7

Monday, November 26, 2012


Two point perspective due Friday:

Complete the following tutorial on two point perspective.  You will need to shade your finished work with pencil.  Instructions are here:


Need some additional help on perspective drawing?  Try these resources:



IMD I - Intro to HTML

Finished? try adding some of the html tags on the site below!


Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Midwest Photo is here today!

Use time in lab to complete SRC, DJBIT, and INFOGRAPHIC

Next week we will be starting website development!

Friday, November 16, 2012

IMD II - Friday Reflection

Screen cap your IC grade in detail for IMD

Answer the following questions

1.  If you have any missing assignments, why are they late?  What is your plan to get caught up?

2. Are you having trouble with any of the contents areas we are studying?  What do you need help with?

3.  What grade standard do your parent(s)/guardian expect?

4.  If your grade is below your family expectation,  what would you say to them to explain your current academic progress.

Turn in to  33_friday_reflect1  as last_first_reflect1.doc

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

IMD I and II

DJ Bit and SRC Trailers are DUE FRIDAY
If they are completed work on your infographic

Work on your design for Chuck, turn in your progress to 32_chuck_chk2

IMD I - Continue with SRC and DJ Bit and Infographic

Continue with SRC and DJ Bit and Infographic!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

7 foot 26 pound 306 serving 36000 calorie gummy python

 7 foot 26 pound 306 serving 36000 calorie gummy python.


CODEC infographic
Create a 1800x1400 photoshop image

Montage at least 5 images into the graphic

Include short definitions (below) of each term with an asterisk


Refer to the samples in 27_codec_infographic for details

Google “awesome infograpghic” to see other samples.
Required Terms





Bit Rate

High Bit Rate

Low Bit Rate




Mpeg 2


Multi Purpose Codec


This assignment is due next Friday.

Here is a sample without the definitions:

Thursday, November 8, 2012

IMD I - Audio for SRC trailer

I have two audio resources for SRC

IMD/IMD Share/~audio foley and sfx animation has apple loops that can be opened in audition

22_src_trailer_edit_fin has 6 soundtracks that can be used for SRC


Monday, November 5, 2012

IMD II - 3 Ideas

Write 3 creative ideas that you could use to build segments for Chucks website. 


What is the idea?


Can you share any links, images, or illustration to support your idea?


Address the relevance of the idea as it pertains to Chuck building brand and identity.


What resources will you need, do you have any clarifying questions you need to ask?


These should be detailed and easy to understand paragraphs.  Minimum 250 words total for the three responses.


Due today save as last_first_chuck_3idea in  29_chuck_3idea


IMD I - 3rd Hour

I need short film ideas!

Write a 1/2 page treatment to a viral video,  funny, serious, or other.

Compose the document in word and turn in to 25_viral_video  as last_first_viral.doc

Complete Photography Worksheet

Continue Reading Part 2 in Auto Focus Section

Continue with BJ Bit or SRC if you have access to the computer.

IMD I - DJ Bit Duo Edit

Wrap up you DJ Bit Duo.

If you have time add a scroll title

Add yourself as an animator and editor

Include the names of the other students work in the project.


How to add a scrolling title:

Use the dialog box to add text (paste from word)

Close the window and the titles will be added to the bin, drag it to the timeline.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Continue working on the DJ BIT DUO project.

The studio is open to record SRC trailer audio.  This will need to be completed by end of lab on Friday!

Monday, October 29, 2012

IMD I and II

LAST CHANCE for getting work in for the 9 weeks.  Save to  ~~ late work.

You will have lab to work on scary movie, Mr. D will have instructions.

Friday, October 26, 2012

IMD I and II

IMPORTANT: If you have any make up work you would like graded for the 9 weeks  save it to
 ~~ late work folder before end of day Friday.

Use the names specified for the original assignments.


Use today to wrap up the SRC and BJ Bit Duo.

We will be editing with Premiere next week and you will need the rendered content from both of these projects.

Make sure you check campus and complete any missing work.  Turn into the folder above.


Complete the assignments in folder:


Read the assignment throughly and make sure it is turned in before the end of class.

Make sure you check campus and complete any missing work.  Turn into the folder above.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

IMD I and II

IMPORTANT: If you have any make up work you would like graded for the 9 weeks  save it to
 ~~ late work folder before end of day Friday.

Use the names specified for the original assignments.


Continue working on the SRC trailer.  Use time in lab today to animate and render ANOTHER 1-2 clips of your SRC trailer.  Studio is closed while I'm out so we will have to wait until next week to complete the audio recording.

IMPORTANT:  Save at lease two more rendered clips to 22_trailer_render.  This is how you will earn your grade to the day. 

Name your file last_first_trailerX.avi  (X= sequential number)


Complete the assignments in folder:


Read the assignment throughly and make sure it is turned in before the end of class.

if you finish early continue on to 25_columubs_historic_slide

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

IMD I and II


Use time in lab today to animate and render 1-2 clips of your SRC trailer.  Studio is closed while I'm out so we will have to wait until next week to complete the audio recording.

IMPORTANT:  Save at lease one rendered clip to 22_trailer_render.  This is how you will earn your grade to the day.

Name your file last_first_trailer1.avi


Complete the assignments in folders:



Read each assignment throughly and make sure they are both turned in before the end of class.

if you finish early continue on to 24_columubs_historic_segs

Thursday, October 11, 2012

IMD I - Dope Sheet Audio and Timeline Configuration

Add audio to a Max file:

Graph Editor - Track View Dope Sheet

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

IMD II - Build Header and Footer Graphic for City Kids Daycare

Using the planning document created yesturday  to build a header and footer for City Kids Daycare using photoshop.

Create the header in photoshop 1000 pixels  x 300 pixels @ 72 ppi

Create a logo and place it in the header. 

Include the following text in the header:

  • City Kids Daycare
  • A Beautiful Space Created for Children

Create text for the following links in the header:

Home, Philosopy, Schedule, Shops, Contact Us

Save your header as last_first_header.jpg to 18_daycare

Create a footer photoshop 1000 pixels x 150 pixels @ 72 ppi

recycling the content from the header.  Leave space for text links to be added in dreamweaver.

Save your header as last_first_footer.jpg to 18_daycare

This assignment is due at the end of the day.  Points will be deducted for late work.

Friday, September 28, 2012

IMD I turn stuff in!

Turn in your final SRC camera images:

Save them to spfimdi/16_src_fin

You will need 3 camera views – render them 1600x1200

Name the files:





Turn in your Video Card project

You will need 3 camera views – render them 1600x1200

Save them to spfimdi/15_video_card

Name the files:


last_first_ videocard2.jpg

last_first_ videocard3.jpg

Thursday, September 27, 2012

IMD I - Video card back and last lab for SRC

Complete the back plate of the video card before choosing the next option:

Add more detail to the video card project.

Add final details to SRC.

See me for work on the large computer model.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

IMD I - Video card back plate

Use the line and extrude technique to create the overall shape of the back plate.

Use the video_card_back.jpg reference image

NOTE:  Add two extra vertices on the left edge (you will need them for the next step!

When the outline is done modify the vertices
and fillet (fill – it)  the right corners.

Extrude (modifier) and convert to an editable mesh

Edit at the polygon level to extrude (button) polygons to make the left hand bent tab.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

IMD I - Video Card Continues

Warmup - Make a new file in max, set the background in the front view to ram.jpg from


trace the ram, edit the verticies, and extrude it.

draw the 8 chips that sit on the ram.

Save your work to your login as ram.max

After you have finished the ram sample continue with your video card project.

Friday, September 21, 2012

IMD I - Hardware Scavenger Hunt

Hardware Identification

Create a power point slide show with one slide of each component.  Fill each slide with information about the specific hardware. 

Use a 12 point arial font for body text.  Use 20 point arial for headings.  Start your slide with the following.

1. Provide a text definition of what the part does

2. Find 5 pictures of each device.

3. Find a current price of top rated examples from google shopping results




Hard Drive


Computer Power Supply

Video Card

LCD monitor

Case with ATX Powersupply

Turn in your work this hour to spfimdi / 14_hardware_id   as last_first_id.ppt

This assignment is due 3rd Hour MONDAY!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Video Contest !

September 17, 2012 – Attorney General Launches 2012 High School Video Scholarship Contest

Columbus, Ohio – Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine today announced the start of the 2012 Take Action High School Video Contest, which gives Ohio high school students a chance to win college scholarships.

"Consumer scams continue to plague Ohioans of all ages," Attorney General DeWine said. "This contest gives high school students a chance to educate Ohioans and their peers about scams while demonstrating their creativity and talent."

The contest officially begins on Sept. 17, 2012, when Ohio high school students may submit a 60-second video on the importance of being aware of and avoiding various consumer scams. Entries may come from individuals or teams of two students. Videos must be submitted by Dec. 14, 2012, and the winners will be announced in early 2013.

In their videos, students must encourage their peers to be savvy consumers and avoid scams using one of the following topics:

Ways to avoid a scam
Prizes/sweepstakes scams
Online marketplace scams
Grandparent scams
Scholarship/grant scams

The top three winning individuals or teams will receive college scholarships of $2,500, $1,500, and $1,000, respectively. The winners also will have an opportunity to be featured on the Attorney General's website.

For more information, official rules and eligibility requirements, or to submit a video, visit www.OhioAttorneyGeneral.gov/TakeActionContest.

Last year's winner, "The 3Rs of Internet Fraud," is available at the Ohio Attorney General's website.


IMD I - Last Day for SRC

Long lab today will be the last day for SRC!

Creativity is just connecting things. When you ask creative people how they did something, they feel a little guilty because they didn't really do it, they just saw something. It seemed obvious to them after a while. That's because they were able to connect experiences they've had and synthesize new things. - Steve Jobs

Monday, September 17, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012


SRC review

Fill in the blanks

1. I really like _________________  about my project.

2. I need more time to ____________________.

3. I'd like to learn more about  ________________________.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wednesday and Thursday IMD I and II Project Plans

Wednesday and Thursday IMD I and II Project Plans


You will have lab on Wednesday and Thursday to complete most of your SRC project.  Make sure to use the slides and sketches you have generated as you work.  I will be looking to see the connection between what you planned and your final project.

You will have approximately 4 lab hours to complete this project

Remember what we discussed in class about your models:

1. Keep textures simple, subtle is usually better.

2. Don't let the shapes do the work for you. It's time to let the teapot go.

3. Combine lots of small copied shapes and groups to make larger objects.

4. Texture and map before copying.

5. Make sure you use the tools, it will improve your work.


Use your quick keys and shortcuts! SAVE YOUR WORK EVERY 5 MINUTES!


Her e are the main elements I’ll be looking for when grading the project:

Planning evident in work

Texture is appropriate and controlled

Details – Are there lots of small details to create an interesting model?

Complexity -

Camera Use – Did you choose realistic, interesting, and descriptive views of your model?


You should use all available time to work on this project.  If you find it’s “done” after a couple of hours, you probably don’t have enough complexity and details in your work. 

If you have a robot you can always build the robots environment, buildings, laboratory….

Space ships are surrounded by planets, other space ships, space stations…

Castles can always be expanded!


IMD II – Chess Environment

 Use the next two days in lab to build your architectural and fantasy chess environments.    Make sure to use the slides and sketches you have generated as you work.  I will be looking to see the connection between what you planned and your final project.

Create basic textures for your models but do not apply textures to the chess set.  We will be doing this as a class activity next week.

AT THE END EACH DAY – Screen cap your progress and turn into the appropriate folder in s/p/f/imdII/

last_first_wed1.jpg,  last_first_wed2.jpg,  last_first_wed3.jpg,

 last_first_th1.jpg, ….

IMD I power tools for SRC

1. Keep textures simple, subtle is usually better.

2. Don't let the shapes do the work for you. It's time to let the teapot go.

3. Combine lots of small copied shapes and groups to make larger objects.

4. Texture and map before copying.

5. Make sure you use the tools, it will improve your work.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Monday, September 10, 2012

IMD II - Chess Enviornment Planning

IMD I - Research SRC Continues!

Lots of amazing work in the 1hr folder!  I'm very  impressed!

Awards will be on Friday.

We will continue working with the SRC research assignment today and work on sketches that combine ideas.

Topics today:

Stealing like an Artist

Sketching new ideas.

Idea Book


Decorated idea book cover due Friday

5 SRC detail sketches due tomorrow!

"Art is Theft" - Pablo Picasso

"Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take; and good poets make it into something better , or at least different.  The good poet welds his theft into a whole feeling which is unique; utterly different from that which it was torn." - T.S. Eliot

Thursday, September 6, 2012

IMD I and II - Friday Schedule

1 Hour 3D Studio Max Challenge
Demonstrate knowledge of the following:

Simple shapes used to create complex objects

Use you artistic ability:

Selection of textures

Placement (composition) of camera

Save your work as a rendered .jpg to s/p/f/imdi/9_1hrmax

Name your file last_first_1hrmax.jpg

IMD I 3rd Hour
Start Research for SRC.  Find 30 images that pertain to your area of interest. Copy and paste the images from online sources to a PowerPoint file.  The images should be relevant and varied.  Make sure you diversify your search. If you are working on the castle prompt look up castle architecture terminology and google them to find images example: battlements, drawbridge, turret. etc.
Save your completed PowerPoint to s/p/f/imdi/10_src_research
Name your work last_first_srcreasearch.ppt
Use the hour in lab to continue working on your chess set model.  At this point there are several students in class who have completed the set.  These students are great resource to complete your knight tutorial.  If you get stuck on a step and can't continue get a head start on the 3rd hour project.  Use you time wisely!
The knight is due at the end of lab. 
Screen cap the knight in wire frame against the background image.
Name your work last_first_knight.jpg
IMD II 3rd Hour
The next step with the chess set project is to create 2 unique scenes featuring your chess set.
1.  Realistic room with a shallow depth of field background. 
2. Artistic interpretation, about anything goes here.  Look at the Escher style sample of the wall in lab. 
Spend 3rd hour brainstorming and researching ideas for these prompts.
Show proof of your work (ppt of Internet research, sketches, other notes)

Screen cap the knight in wire frame against the background image.
Save your completed jpeg to s/p/f/imdii/7_knight1
Name your work last_first_knight.jpg
Sketches can be turned into the substitute teacher.