Monday, March 23, 2009

onClipEvent (load) {
total = _root.getBytesTotal();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
percent = int(loaded/total*100);
tmr = getTimer();t2 = int(tmr/1000);
rem = t2 * 100;
rem2 = int(rem / percent);
rem4 = rem2 - t2;
rem3 = "estimated completion in " + rem4 + " seconds";
pltext = percent+"%";
t3 = "time elapsed: " + t2;gotoAndStop(percent);
if (loaded == total) {

Friday, March 20, 2009

3/20 IMD I and II

I can't wait to get back in lab, I've been working on a test all week.

Keep the blog posts coming.

IMD I - Spend a little time reviewing for your test on monday. Make sure illustration is ready to go for building portfolios next week.

IMD II - Continue with IRES

Thursday, March 19, 2009

3/19 IMD I and II

No comments to the blog so I assume things are running well.

Keep up the good work.

John D. Email me @ for your letter.

Have a great day!


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

3/18 IMD I and II

I'm out for the rest of the week working on the Ohio Interactive Media "OGT"test.

Both labs are in projects, use your time wisely. I'll be giving daily credit for blog posts.

Remember to describe and show the details of what you are working on.

I'll check this blog through the day, leave a comment on this post if you have a question.

The IMD I action script test will be on MONDAY! I will not have the FTP content on this test.

Have a good day !

Thursday, March 5, 2009

3-5 IMD II

Hello! No blog posts yesterday? What gives?

OK, I'll be back tomorrow. I'm sure this has been a long week for everyone.

You have the option of working on portfolio or interactive resume. Make sure you make a well thought and well documented post.

Looking forward to being back tomorrow!

3-5 IMD I Quiz Post

I'm going to be assigning a quiz grade to today's post. If you are having any trouble with a preloader don't work on it today. Work quietly on your own project, this is not time to help others. Push forward with artwork, use the time wisely. You'll need to submit the following:

1. Write a 125 word (1/2 page) summary of the work you've done on your project so far. Describe what you like, what you would improve, what you have learned, and how your project ties back to your original planning.

2. Give me visual proof of the work you completed today. Before and after screen caps are an excellent way document this. Zoom in and show details. Post a minimum of 5 screen caps with short text descriptions. I'm expecting to see alot of new artwork generated today

The quiz is worth 100 points (25 points for the summary, 75 points for the work completed today)

I'm expecting to see alot of new work posted!

Remember your third drawing is also due tomorrow.

Here was the post list from yesterday:

Barnett, Kirsti
Blakey, Michael
Boyd II, Bruce
Brown, Katelyn
Evanoff, Nikoli
Higgins, Spencer
Hutt, Melissa
Lenox, Benjamin
Logan, Jeremy
Major, Nicholas
O'Connor, Sam - flickr :(
Rigsbee, Dante
Saucedo, Israel
Sciotto, Brianne
Stokes, Jessica
Wolfe, Harley

Missing Posts - No post no grade :-(

Cottrell, Erik
Daniels, John
DeLuca, Daniel
Krause, Aron
Quinn, Caleb
Vaughan, Steven

Cottrell and Vaughan I need work from both of you. Neither of you commented with a new blog address - what's up?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

3/4 IMD II

Great work on SUMMARY (not summery) yesterday. Everyone will need some proofing, tweaking, and fine tuning, we’ll address that when I’m back.

Use today to push forward with IRES. I want to see delta (change) in your posts today, I want to clearly see progress.

Allen – laptop looks good, will we get to see all of that great detail? Don’t spend too much time on details we’ll never see! You should rephrase end of your summary, “not top-notch” should never be used to describe you! It’s good to be humble, but you have great skills be proud of them!

Berio – SHOW ME what you worked on as well. Where’s your summary, it’s now past due.

Blevins - Where is you summary? What did you actually do? Nick help me out here…..

Greczyn - Legos! Whoo! (my favorite toy) I can tell you spent a lot of time working on summary, good job! I think you might need to condense it a bit.

Lind – As usual, your work is amazing. Super creative take on the summary, it makes sense for your format. I would recommend segmenting the text into smaller “conversations”. Start with the important stuff sprinkled with a tiny bit of “kel” brand interestingly odd flakes (I was trying to create a “kelisim”) Then let it ramble into whatever your imagination can cook up. Let the user jump off after the critical stuff if they want to - I’m sure they will stick around for the wacky ending. AMAZING STUFF

Long – Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it. You did a great job of getting your ideas down, but I think you need to condense it a bit and make a more formal statement. It’s a great start, we just need to fine tune a bit.

MaConnell – First let me say that your blog is always in top shape - Good Job! You have a good start on the summary, adding details will help the document make more sense.

“I've been able to learn about new technologies, programs, and some of the requirements to succeed in some of the job fields “ - add some details or a personal experience and this will really come together.

Quitter – The chest looks great. The back button is a little obtrusive, maybe smaller tucked into the corner. I’m concerned with the opening sentence of your summary. It translates to “I’m not going to work very hard on a project unless I find it very interesting” Not a good opener with a potential employer. An amazing resume needs an amazing summary.

Robertson – Apache… absolutely awesome. No summary …absolutely lame.

Robinson – ???

Schlosser – Resume is looking great, I have three giant flash books for you to take a look at when I return. Summary is looking good. I’d suggest describing how your evolving as an artist how the building blocks of things like video and illustration (graffiti) are becoming a part of your style.

Ulrich- Great job! I’d like to see you expand a bit more on “why does art give a certain feel and how does the human mind react to it? “ it’s a powerful and insightful statement. I want to hear more, and so will the herd of companies wanting to hire you.

Walters – This is a great example of a summary, you did great work. I’d like to see some reference to a personal experience; it will make the document feel a bit more personal. 3D layout looks good, but I don’t remember seeing this in a flash version.

3/4 IMD I

Good Morning

I have posts from the following students:

Barnett – The design work looks good, start thinking about how you’re going to animate and make your crazy world come alive.

Blakey – Review your tween rules, get some help from the class. Is R2 a bitmap? That’s bad for a preloader.

Boyd – If your stuck on the preloader work on another aspect of your project, I will do a review when I’m back.

Brown – This is going to make a great preloader! I can hear carnival music just looking at it.

Daniels – Icons look good, the painting is very … interesting… lol

Deluca – Great design! But it looks like a bitmap…..can’t do that for a preloader

Evanoff – Glad your back! Thanks for the nice comment, I really miss class. I hope to be back soon. Make sure to post an image so I can see your work.

Hutt – You design looks very relaxing, good work.

Lenox – Words make picture better argh… Text would be nice! Very solid work on the lockers. I think the guitar need to be scaled up a little.

Logan – I’m very impressed, the jacket looks amazing keep up the great work!

O'Connor – Review your design notes, that should give you direction. The design looks good I just want to make sure its going to be used!

Rigsbee – I need more detail! It looks like 6 boxes in the blog post!

Sciotto – Tinkerbell is looking good the soft green and blue work well! The empty eyes is just a little creepy, I hope their done soon.

Stokes – Great descriptive post, well done. Layout looks good, I doesn't really come alive until you add the layers of gack, grunge,. …distress. Your tree banner is also very cool!

Since we haven’t used the blog much recently I’m going to be a little flexible for those who posted yesterday. For future posts I’ll need to see more information. One and two sentence responses are not enough. Here is a excellent example:

You have short rotation today you have two things you need to work on:

1. review preloaders with layer masks, I will give a quiz when I get back covering this material, I will do a review but it will be short. It’s your responsibility to get this information down and be able to create a regular and masked preloaded with only your notes and the block of preloader code.

2. Work on your portfolio and make a post on your blog - more detail please! If you posted to a blog that’s different than the address I have, you’ll need to leave a comment on this post to let me know the new address. If you posted and I didn’t give you credit I need your address. WE WILL BE USING A BLOG IN THIS CLASS UNTIL YOU GRADUATE, YOU BETTER GET USED TO USING IT. Forgetting a password every six weeks is unacceptable, you will need this skill in college and in the real world, figure out a way to retain this information.

Ok… my rant is over, have a good day.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

3-3 IMD II

1. Write text for your summary page in your interactive resume.

Everyone Asks - What is the summary, I forget what it is?

The summary is a personal statement that describes why you are passionate about what you want to do (job, college, etc) For some this will be very specific "I've always wanted to be a ....."

For some this is very abstract, your not sure what you want to do. NO PROBLEM - In this case "what you want to do" might be as broad as helping people, or finding a career where you can be creative. Draw from experiences in your life and the events that have had an impact on you. Don't disclose too much personal information, instead of saying:

" It was right after the officer clicked the cuffs on my wrists that I knew I wanted a career in...."

you might try a more subtle approach

"I had just gone through a very tough time in my life when I knew I wanted a career in..."

Employers are looking for individuals who are enthusiastic about working, convince them that you have that passion. The document should be no shorter than 125 words (1/2 page) Compose in WORD and save your work to your folder, we'll need to edit and revise in the future. POST a copy to your blog so I can see what you're doing.

2. You'll have the remainder of the time to work on your interactive resume, make a separate POST to share this work as well.

3-3 Hmmm

Unless a lot of blogging is going on right now, quite a few people are getting a big zero in the grade book for today.

I'm disappointed.

3-3 IMD I

You have two assignments today:

1. Complete another isometric drawing in class turn your work into the substitute teacher before you leave lab today.

2. Use the remaining time to work on your portfolio, You will need to make a BLOG post to document the progress you made, this is an RLA assignment. I will be grading these today. I need to see details about what you actually completed.

Monday, March 2, 2009

3-2 IMD II

IMD II Lab - Use this time to work on your interactive resume. My expectation is that lab be focused and working today. Post your progress to your blog.

IMD II 3rd Hour - Monday 3rd Hours will be used for portfolio preparation. Remember you have 4 pieces due this six weeks, use your time wisely.

3-2 IMD I

IMD I Lab - Continue building the mask based preloaded we started Friday. I understand that some people were struggling with this concept, give it your best shot. You will have to use the intermediate code concepts that we've been using (preloaded, variables, if statements, getTimer, and Random) to build small programs in flash. Review this content so your ready!

If you have any remaining time, or you can't complete the mask preloaded on your own work on your flash portfolio, I'm going to collect this project in the next week (don't panic, we'll talk about deadline when I'm back)

My expectation is that you are working quietly on the assignments that I've given. Use the time to get some work done!

IMD I 3rd Hour - You have three RLA isometric drawing due this week. The first is due today, please turn it in to the substitute teacher at the end of third rotation. The drawings are (drum roll please.....) The VGA cable, the Power cable, and the Green Audio 1/8" Stereo Audio cable. DO NOT DISCONNECT THE POWER OR VGA ADAPTERS FOR REFERENCE use the images provided below! Please be DETAILED, remember you need an 80% or better for RLA.

NOTE: the power connector you need to draw is on the left. The power connector on the right is rarely used for PC extension cords and are dangerous because the exposed pins are a big shock hazard.