Wednesday, March 4, 2009

3/4 IMD II

Great work on SUMMARY (not summery) yesterday. Everyone will need some proofing, tweaking, and fine tuning, we’ll address that when I’m back.

Use today to push forward with IRES. I want to see delta (change) in your posts today, I want to clearly see progress.

Allen – laptop looks good, will we get to see all of that great detail? Don’t spend too much time on details we’ll never see! You should rephrase end of your summary, “not top-notch” should never be used to describe you! It’s good to be humble, but you have great skills be proud of them!

Berio – SHOW ME what you worked on as well. Where’s your summary, it’s now past due.

Blevins - Where is you summary? What did you actually do? Nick help me out here…..

Greczyn - Legos! Whoo! (my favorite toy) I can tell you spent a lot of time working on summary, good job! I think you might need to condense it a bit.

Lind – As usual, your work is amazing. Super creative take on the summary, it makes sense for your format. I would recommend segmenting the text into smaller “conversations”. Start with the important stuff sprinkled with a tiny bit of “kel” brand interestingly odd flakes (I was trying to create a “kelisim”) Then let it ramble into whatever your imagination can cook up. Let the user jump off after the critical stuff if they want to - I’m sure they will stick around for the wacky ending. AMAZING STUFF

Long – Thanks for the kind words, I appreciate it. You did a great job of getting your ideas down, but I think you need to condense it a bit and make a more formal statement. It’s a great start, we just need to fine tune a bit.

MaConnell – First let me say that your blog is always in top shape - Good Job! You have a good start on the summary, adding details will help the document make more sense.

“I've been able to learn about new technologies, programs, and some of the requirements to succeed in some of the job fields “ - add some details or a personal experience and this will really come together.

Quitter – The chest looks great. The back button is a little obtrusive, maybe smaller tucked into the corner. I’m concerned with the opening sentence of your summary. It translates to “I’m not going to work very hard on a project unless I find it very interesting” Not a good opener with a potential employer. An amazing resume needs an amazing summary.

Robertson – Apache… absolutely awesome. No summary …absolutely lame.

Robinson – ???

Schlosser – Resume is looking great, I have three giant flash books for you to take a look at when I return. Summary is looking good. I’d suggest describing how your evolving as an artist how the building blocks of things like video and illustration (graffiti) are becoming a part of your style.

Ulrich- Great job! I’d like to see you expand a bit more on “why does art give a certain feel and how does the human mind react to it? “ it’s a powerful and insightful statement. I want to hear more, and so will the herd of companies wanting to hire you.

Walters – This is a great example of a summary, you did great work. I’d like to see some reference to a personal experience; it will make the document feel a bit more personal. 3D layout looks good, but I don’t remember seeing this in a flash version.

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