Monday, May 2, 2011

IMD I and II 3rd Hr Hungry Hungry HIPAA

Competency 45.3 - Identify Current Regulatory Issues


1. HIPAA is an acronym for:

2. List 5 things that HIPAA regulates:

3. How could HIPAA change how you would run a small business?

4. How does HIPAA affect you as an employee?

5. Could you consider heath care benefits part of the money you make at a job?

6. How much can it cost for two nights in a hospital according to graphic design school review?

7. Get a health insurance quote based on a 21 year old of your gender living in your zip code.

8. Compare rates of a smoker vs non smoker.

9. How much would this be for an adult and a child?

10. How much would this cost per year?

Define the following terms (relative to health insurance):

11. PPO

12. Network

13. Deductable

14. Coinsurance

Gramm-Leach-Bliley (wiki)

15. What was the result of GLB?

16. How has GLB affected the economy?

17. What economic safeguards were put in place with GLB?

Sarbanes–Oxley Act (wiki)

18. Sarbanes-Oxley is also known as:

19. Why was sarbox exacted?

20. What are the long term benefits of sarbox?

21. What are some of the problems with sarbox?

Homeland Security Act (wiki)

22. When and why was the Homeland Security Act introduced?

23-40.List the Titles for Homeland Security – Rank them as you see their order of importance.

Reactions (100 points):

Outline speaking points for a 2 minute speech on how you feel about the laws and regulations that you just researched. We will have an in class discussion on Friday where you can share your thoughts.

This assignment is DUE FRIDAY. I will be taking a 20 point progress check at the end of third hour!

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