Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Friendly Robots - The Future of Interface Design? (50 points, turn in tomorrow in class)

Do you think the future careers in interactive media might involve designing robot interfaces?

Read the content (or listen to it with their interactive link) at and answer the following questions. Some of the answers require through independent of the reading (google it, think creatively!)

Why was Kismit groundbreaking?

Who created Kismit

Why are robots sometimes designed to imitate infants?

Why is nonverbal communication important?

What’s unique about Huggable?

How did it effect its design?

How can a robot use nurturing behavior to help a child learn?

How can designers learn from interaction with robots?

How are robots currently “trained”?

How will they be trained in the future?

Can a robot be a friend to a human (according the Breazeal)

What did Cynthia Breazeal major in in college?

Write a paragraph response for each question below.

What realistic role do you see simple robots taking in society over the next 10 years?

What role will creative professionals (artists, graphic design, videographers. etc.) play in the development of these devices.

Develop a concept for a simple robot that could help people on a day to day basis. (I’m not looking for military application, something that could be used safely at a home, school, or business to help people.) Write a description of what purpose the robot will serve and how it functions.

Create a sketch of what the robot would look like.

Tuesday Makeup: Did you miss class Tuesday? Watch NOVA: The Next Big Thing
and create an outline of the content to turn in for credit.

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