Friday, May 27, 2011

IMD I - Exam Prep

Long lab today. We will be using time to prep work for your exam.

Section 1 - Flash Illustration

Use flash to create a logo for the New American Kennel Club. Trace the outline of doberman.jpg (fitzer/jrexart). Use text and drawing tools to complete a logo from the completed tracing.

Section 2 - 3D Studio Max

Create a 3d floorplan from the image shown above. Create a camera similar to the one shown in class and render a 100 frame animation of the pan. Render to your file, you will need the animation for you exam.


Hemraj said...
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good point!

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Shahana Shafiuddin said...

Good questions

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Shahana Shafiuddin said...

I couldn't understand whats the dog doing over here?