Thursday, March 5, 2009

3-5 IMD I Quiz Post

I'm going to be assigning a quiz grade to today's post. If you are having any trouble with a preloader don't work on it today. Work quietly on your own project, this is not time to help others. Push forward with artwork, use the time wisely. You'll need to submit the following:

1. Write a 125 word (1/2 page) summary of the work you've done on your project so far. Describe what you like, what you would improve, what you have learned, and how your project ties back to your original planning.

2. Give me visual proof of the work you completed today. Before and after screen caps are an excellent way document this. Zoom in and show details. Post a minimum of 5 screen caps with short text descriptions. I'm expecting to see alot of new artwork generated today

The quiz is worth 100 points (25 points for the summary, 75 points for the work completed today)

I'm expecting to see alot of new work posted!

Remember your third drawing is also due tomorrow.

Here was the post list from yesterday:

Barnett, Kirsti
Blakey, Michael
Boyd II, Bruce
Brown, Katelyn
Evanoff, Nikoli
Higgins, Spencer
Hutt, Melissa
Lenox, Benjamin
Logan, Jeremy
Major, Nicholas
O'Connor, Sam - flickr :(
Rigsbee, Dante
Saucedo, Israel
Sciotto, Brianne
Stokes, Jessica
Wolfe, Harley

Missing Posts - No post no grade :-(

Cottrell, Erik
Daniels, John
DeLuca, Daniel
Krause, Aron
Quinn, Caleb
Vaughan, Steven

Cottrell and Vaughan I need work from both of you. Neither of you commented with a new blog address - what's up?


Thebritt said...

This is my new blog

Mr. Fitzer said...

Got it.